Before installing ServerProtect for Linux, verify that your Linux distribution and kernel are supported by this release. (See Software). If your kernel is not listed in the System Requirements section in this chapter, follow the procedure in the Installing a Kernel Hook Module Package section to install the Kernel Hook Module (KHM) that corresponds to your Linux system.
Before you install ServerProtect for Linux computer, make sure the following dependent libraries are installed.
-libstdc++ (Red Hat and CentOS only)
-nss-softokn-freebl (Red Hat and CentOS only)
-perl-Sys-Syslog (Red Hat and CentOS only)
chkconfig (Red Hat 9 only)
For the library versions, you can use the default libraries bundled in the OS image.
To begin ServerProtect installation:


  1. Download or copy the ServerProtect for Linux installation files.
  2. Log on as root.
  3. From the directory containing the ServerProtect for Linux installation files, type the following at the command line:
    This command extracts the required files to their proper locations.
  4. Disable Real-time Scan during installation.
    1. Use the -n option to start the installation. For example, type at the command line.
    2. After the installation is complete, set the value of the RealtimeScan parameter to 0 in the tmsplx.xml configuration file.
    3. Restart the ServerProtect service.
      If a message displays warning that the KHM does not support your Linux kernel, build and install the KHM. After the KHM installation is complete, do NOT start or restart the ServerProtect service. Then perform steps b and c as described above.
      If you use the -n option to install ServerProtect, you must manually configure the ServerProtect service to run at system startup. You can do this by typing ./add_splx_service in the /opt/TrendMicro/SProtectLinux/SPLX.util folder.