Install the Trend VCS Agent for OfficeScan Corporate Edition

 OfficeScan Corporate Edition versions 3.5x to 5.02 use the Trend VCS agent.

You can install this agent on the OfficeScan server itself, or a separate server on your network. The installation procedure is identical for both the HTTP-based and file-based versions of the OfficeScan server.

If you have installed OfficeScan on a Windows 2000/NT server, you can install the agent on the same server. However, if you have installed OfficeScan on a NetWare server, you must install the agent on a separate Windows 2000/NT server.

After selecting OfficeScan Corporate Edition from the list of agents, the setup program adds the following steps to the normal procedure:

  1. The OfficeScan Agent Setup Mode screen appears. This screen offers you two options:

  2. Install Trend VCS agent to remote OfficeScan server(s)

  3. Install Trend VCS agent to this local computer

  1. Click Next to continue. The Agent Topology for OfficeScan screen opens. This screen provides a graphical explanation of the topology you selected.

  2. Click Next to continue. The procedures for installing remotely or locally are the following:

  3. Installing the Trend VCS agent on remote OfficeScan servers

    If you are using HTTP-based OfficeScan versions exclusively, Trend Micro recommends installing the Trend VCS agent directly on the OfficeScan server for better agent performance.

    Clicking Next on the screen in Step 2, above, returns you to the normal agent installation procedure, proceed with the following steps:

    1. At the Select Servers to Install screen, select the servers where the agents are to be installed. There are two ways to do this:

    To select from the list:

    1. At the left-hand list box, double click the domain where the antivirus servers are located -- this will expand to show all servers in the domain.

    2. Select the target server(s) from the left-hand list box, then click Add. The chosen server appears on the right-hand list box. Click Add All to add agents to all servers in the selected domain. Alternatively, you can double-click on a server to add it to the right-hand list.

    To type a server name directly:

    1. Enter the server's FQDN or IP address in the Server name field

    2. Click Add. The server appears on the right-hand list box.

    To remove servers from the list, select a server from the right-hand list box, then click Remove. To remove all servers, click Remove All.

    1. Click Next to continue.

    2. At the Server Analysis screen, provide Administrator-level logon credentials for the selected servers. Type an Administrator-level user name and password, for the servers selected previously, in the appropriate fields.

    By default, agents are installed relative to the root-level share (C$). To specify another drive or folder, click the ellipsis button (". . . ").

    • Share at least one drive or folder on the target server.

    You can re-use the logon credentials you used for the different servers by selecting the Retain user name password after logging on? check box. This eliminates the need to re-enter the user name and password on each server. The installation program tries each credential on the list, if none of the existing ones can access the server, the setup program prompts for another set of credentials.

    • Server analysis determines if the agent you are installing is appropriate for the products installed on the server.

    1. Click OK at the dialog box that opens after completion of server analysis. The Installation List screen appears. The table on the screen provides the following details about the target servers: Server name, operating system, IP address, domain, and the agent's product.

    2. Click OK in the dialog box that opens, then Next to start the actual agent installation.

    3. At the Proxy Information screen, select the Yes, connect through a proxy server check box if you intend to use a proxy for Server-Agent communication.

    4. Provide the address of the proxy server used by your Control Manager server; you can use either its IP address, or its Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) -- provided the agent's server can resolve the FQDN. Afterwards, Click Next.

    5. Do not select this option if you have configured the Internet Information Service on your Control Manager server to use NT Challenge/Response authentication.

    1. The Control Manager Server Information screen opens. Provide the following information on this screen:

    2. Host name (or IP Address) - this is the host name or IP address of your Control Manager server

    3. TCP Port - this is the port used by the WWW service of your Microsoft Internet Information Service

    1. At the Agent Information screen provide the following:

    2. Site - provide a site name for the agents. This will appear as a sub-folder name under the Trend VCS Agents folder in the Directory

    A useful system for this would be to specify a name that reflects the agent's geographical location (for example, New_York, Tokyo, Manila).

    • Relative destination directory - this determines the placement of the Trend VCS Agent files on the server. This directory is relative to the shared folder you specified earlier.

    1. The Installing Agents screen opens. The table shows the installation status of the agents. After the installation, click OK in the dialog box that opens. Click Exit to end the setup, or Next to install agents for other applications.

    2. If you clicked Next, a dialog box opens. Click Yes to install other agents, otherwise click No.

    3. Click Finish at the final screen.


  4. Installing the Trend VCS agent locally

    This option works with both file-based and HTTP-based OfficeScan servers. Clicking Next in Step 2, above, starts the installation procedure below.

    • For this option, the agent setup program must be run on the Windows 2000 / NT server where the agent is to be installed.

    1. Select the OfficeScan servers that the agent will manage. There are two ways to do this:

    To select from the list:

    1. At the left-hand list box, double click the domain where the antivirus servers are located -- this will expand to show all servers in the domain.

    2. Select the target server(s) from the left-hand list box, and then click Add. The chosen server appears on the right-hand list box. Click Add All to add agents to all servers in the selected domain. Alternatively, you can double-click on a server to add it to the right-hand list.

    To type a server name directly:

    1. Enter the server's FQDN or IP address in the Server name field

    2. Click Add. The server appears on the right-hand list box.

    To remove servers from the list, select a server from the right-hand list box, then click Remove. To remove all servers, click Remove All.

    1. Click Next to continue.

    2. Provide logon credentials for the target OfficeScan server, and locate the OfficeScan.ini file.

    3. Type an Administrator-level user name and password in the appropriate fields. Re-type the password in the confirmation field.

    4. Type the root directory share (for example, C$) of the drive that contains the OfficeScan.ini file. This enables the Browse button.

    5. Click Browse, to go to the location of the OfficeScan.ini file. Select the file, and then click Open. The browse screen closes, and the path of the ini file appears in the grayed-out field on the lower part of the screen.

    6. Click Next. This starts server analysis.

    7. Click Next in the Server Analysis and Installation List screens.

    8. At the Agent Server User Account screen, provide an Administrative-level user name and password for the agent server. Click Next.

    9. At the Proxy Information screen, select the Yes, connect through a proxy server check box if you intend to use a proxy for Server-Agent communication.

    10. Provide the address of the proxy server used by your Control Manager server; you can use either its IP address, or its Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) -- provided the agent's server can resolve the FQDN. Afterwards, Click Next.

    11. Do not select this option if you have configured the Internet Information Service on your Control Manager server to use NT Challenge/Response authentication.

    1. The Control Manager Server Information screen opens. Provide the following information on this screen:

    2. Host name (or IP Address) - this is the host name or IP address of your Control Manager server

    3. TCP Port - this is the port used by the WWW service of your Microsoft Internet Information Service

    1. At the Agent Information screen provide the following:

    2. Site - provide a site name for the agents. This will appear as a sub-folder name under the Trend VCS Agents folder in the Directory

    A useful system for this would be to specify a name that reflects the agent's geographical location (for example, New_York, Tokyo, Manila).

    • Relative destination directory - this determines the placement of the Trend VCS Agent files on the server. This directory is relative to the shared folder you specified earlier.

    1. The Installing Agents screen opens. The table shows the installation status of the agents. After the installation, click OK in the dialog box that opens. Click Exit to end the setup, or Next to install agents for other applications.

    2. If you clicked Next, a dialog box opens. Click Yes to install other agents, otherwise click No.

    3. Click Finish at the final screen.

See also:

Change agent logon credentials for its host server

Change agent logon credentials for remote OfficeScan servers

Minimum system requirements

Recommended system requirements

Understanding the Control Manager agent remote installation

Preparing for Control Manager agent installation

Step One: Obtain required files

Step Two: Obtain agent packages

Step Three: Installing the agents

Download the Control Manager agent remote installation program

Obtain the UNIX agent installation script

Install a UNIX-based Control Manager agent

Install the Trend VCS agent for OfficeScan Corporate Edition

Install the Control Manager agent for InterScan VirusWall for Unix

Install the Trend VCS agent for ScanMail for Lotus Notes

Verify a successful agent installation