Change Agent Logon Credentials for Remote OfficeScan Servers

The following instructions only apply to the Trend VCS agent for OfficeScan. This agent is used for OfficeScan versions 3.5x to 5.02.

Why change the password?

The agent must have administrative-level access to the server that hosts it.  The host server can either be the OfficeScan server itself, if the agent is installed on the OfficeScan machine, or a separate server, if the Agent remote-manages OfficeScan.

These credentials are initially provided during agent installation. If the account originally provided is modified at the host server, the changes must also be applied to the agent.

To change the password:

  1. Click Products on the main menu.

  2. At the Product Directory on the left-hand menu, click the OfficeScan managed product.

  3. Click the Configuration tab.

  4. Click Change Agent logon credentials for remote OfficeScan servers.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Provide the following information in the appropriate fields:

  7. User ID

  8. Password– you must confirm this in the Confirm password field

  1. Click Apply to save the changes.

See also:

Trend VCS agent Installation: OfficeScan Corporate Edition