Install Trend VCS Agent for ScanMail for Lotus Notes

ScanMail for Lotus Notes versions 2.5x use Trend VCS agents.

The ScanMail for Lotus Notes Agent database, smsolar.nsf (or ntf) must be signed and set up from within Notes before it is accessible from the Control Manager console. You must also set Notes� own Agent restrictions so the database can Run restricted LotusScripts agents.

Read the documentation that came with ScanMail for Lotus Notes, or Notes� own documentation for complete instructions on setting up the ScanMail Agent database after you install it. In addition to signing the database (explained below), Trend Micro recommends you restrict access to the database.

Signing the ScanMail Databases

If you are running Notes version 4.5.1 or above under Windows NT, you need to sign the Agent database (smsolar.nsf). We recommend that you sign using the server id, and specify Sign every design note and Update existing signatures only.

To sign the ScanMail databases:

  1. Switch to the Notes server id for the ScanMail machine.

  2. From the main menu, click File > Tools > Server Administration and select the ScanMail server. Click Database Tools.

  3. Type smsolar.nsf in the Filename: field.

  4. Select Sign a Database from the list of available Tools, and select the Sign every design notes radio button and Update existing signatures only check box.

  5. Click Sign, then No if asked to sign all cross-certifications.

  6. Click Done to complete the operation.

Setting Agent Restrictions

ScanMail uses LotusScript agents to support Web browser access to the configuration screens and to perform other routine "housekeeping" tasks. For this reason, the Notes id used when ScanMail was installed must be set to Run restricted LotusScripts agents.

Do this in the Address Book by adding the id (typically server id) to the Who can field for Agent Manager > Agent Restrictions > Run restricted LotusScript agents.

  1. From the Notes Workspace, double-click the Address Book and then bring up the configuration document for the server where ScanMail is installed (via Server > Servers).

  2. Locate and click Agent Manager to expose the Agent Restrictions options.

  3. If no drop-down list appears, double-click Run restricted LotusScript agents, otherwise just click the drop-down list to display the contents of the Address Book.

  4. Select the appropriate server id and click Add. Click OK. Close and save your changes to the Address Book.

  5. The Notes error, "Error validating user�s agent execution access" may indicate that an inappropriate Notes id was specified for Run restricted LotusScript agents.

  1. ScanMail uses Notes� own password scheme for restricting database access.

To set up Notes HTTP passwords, open the Address Book and choose the Person or Group you will grant access to. Type a password in the HTTP password field, then close and save your changes. (For additional information regarding HTTP passwords, please consult your Notes documentation.)

  1. Stop and restart the Notes HTTP server (for example from the Notes console enter tell HTTP quit and then load HTTP).

Enabling the ScanMail Agent

The Notes HTTP task must be running on the Notes server where the ScanMail agent is installed to access the agent from the Control Manager management console.

In addition, several ScanMail options exist that are unique to Control Manager. They include:

Edit the Notes Control Manager configuration by highlighting the appropriate Server or Group and clicking Configuration above the Server Tree. Click Control Manager Configuration.

See also:

Minimum system requirements

Recommended system requirements

Understanding the Control Manager agent remote installation

Preparing for Control Manager agent installation

Step One: Obtain required files

Step Two: Obtain agent packages

Step Three: Installing the agents

Download the Control Manager agent remote installation program

Obtain the UNIX agent installation script

Install a UNIX-based Control Manager agent

Install the Trend VCS agent for OfficeScan Corporate Edition

Install the Control Manager agent for InterScan VirusWall for Unix

Install the Trend VCS agent for ScanMail for Lotus Notes

Verify a successful agent installation