Download the Control Manager Agent Remote Installation Program

The RemoteInstall.exe program allows you to install and remove Control Manager agent packages.

To obtain the agent remote installation program:

  1. Click Products on the main menu.

  2. On the left-hand menu, click Add/Remove Product Agents.

  3. On the working area under Remote Agent Setup program, click the corresponding Use this.

  4. Click Save to download the agent installation program to the local directory.

  5. On the Save As screen, select a location for the program, and then click Save.

See also:

Minimum system requirements

Recommended system requirements

Understanding the Control Manager agent remote installation

Preparing for Control Manager agent installation

Step One: Obtain required files

Step Two: Obtain agent packages

Step Three: Installing the agents

Download the Control Manager agent remote installation program

Obtain the UNIX agent installation script

Install a UNIX-based Control Manager agent

Install the Trend VCS agent for OfficeScan Corporate Edition

Install the Control Manager agent for InterScan VirusWall for Unix

Install the Trend VCS agent for ScanMail for Lotus Notes

Verify a successful agent installation