Trend Micro Email Security automatically deletes messages from the quarantine after 30 days.


  1. Access the End User Console.
  2. Go to QuarantineQuarantine List.
  3. Optionally, specify a Managed Account at the top of the screen.
    The All managed accounts option includes all managed accounts and your primary account.
    Selecting All managed accounts may substantially increase the time needed by Trend Micro Email Security to display the lists of quarantined messages and approved senders. If you manage a large number of accounts, a console time-out may occur. In this case, select each managed account separately and try again.
  4. Optionally, select the number of messages shown on each page.
  5. Optionally, click a sortable column title to sort the list. Click the same title more than once to sort by ascending sort-ascending-order.png or descending sort-descending-orde.png order. Sortable columns include the following:
    • Date: Date and time stamped on the message.
    • Sender: Email address of the sender.
    • Account: Message recipient.
    • Subject: Text of the subject line.
    • Reason: Reason why the message is quarantined.
  6. Do either of the following to select messages to manage:
    • To select one or more messages, select the check boxes to the left of each entry.
    • To select all messages on the current page, select the check box to the left of the Date column title.
  7. Click one of the following buttons to manage selected messages. Whether the buttons are available is determined by your administrator's setting.
    • delete.bmp Delete: Cancel delivery and permanently delete the message
    • delete-and-block.jpg Delete & Block Sender: Permanently delete the message and add the address to the blocked senders of the specified managed account or accounts. Future messages from blocked senders will be blocked.
    • deliver.png Deliver: Release from quarantine
    • deliver-and-approve.png Deliver & Approve Sender: Release the message from quarantine and add the address to the approved senders of the specified managed account or accounts. Future messages from approved senders will not be held in quarantine.
      Released messages are no longer marked as spam, but they will continue to be processed by Trend Micro Email Security. The following conditions apply to delivery:
      • If a message triggers a content-based policy rule with an Intercept action of Quarantine, it will once again appear in the quarantined message list.
      • If a message triggers a content-based policy rule with an Intercept action of Delete entire message or Change recipient, it will not arrive at its intended destination.
      See Approved and blocked senders to learn more about approved senders.
  8. Optionally click on the Date value to view the Quarantine Details screen for a given message.
    1. Check the summary and detailed information about the message.
      In the Message Details area, view message body content in the HTML or plain text format.
      On the HTML tab, click Show Source or Hide Source to switch between viewing the source code and the rendered HTML of the body content. Click Render Image or Hide Image to display or hide the images within the body content.
      If the email header exceeds 20 KB, only the first 20 KB is displayed. For messages larger than 1 MB, the HTML content is not rendered. Instead, the message is displayed as truncated HTML source code on the HTML tab.
    2. Click Delete, Delete & Block Sender, Deliver, or Deliver & Approve Sender to manage the message.