The Status tab displays the following information:
Overall status of Virtual Analyzer, including the number of samples queued and currently processing
Virtual Analyzer displays the following:
Table 1. Virtual Analyzer Statuses Status
Not initialized
Virtual Analyzer has not been initialized.
No images
No images have been imported into Virtual Analyzer.
Virtual Analyzer is temporarily unavailable.
Modifying instances…
Virtual Analyzer is increasing or decreasing the number of instances for one or more images.
Importing images…
Virtual Analyzer is importing one or more images.
Removing images…
Virtual Analyzer is removing one or more images.
Virtual Analyzer is configuring sandbox settings.
Virtual Analyzer is starting all sandbox instances.
Virtual Analyzer is analyzing or ready to analyze samples.
Virtual Analyzer is stopping all sandbox instances.
Unrecoverable error
Virtual Analyzer is unable to recover from an error. Contact your support provider for troubleshooting assistance.
Deploying images from Deep Discovery Director...
Virtual Analyzer is deploying images from Deep Discovery Director.
Status of imported images
Table 2. Image Information Status
Permanent image name
Number of deployed sandbox instances
Current Status
Distribution of idle and busy sandbox instances
Overall utilization (expressed as a percentage) based on the number of sandbox instances currently processing samples