Click Add to add an object.
The Add Exceptions window appears.
Specify the IP address,
URL, File
SHA-1, or File
SHA-256 exception criteria.
For IP addresses, select IP address for the type and then type the IP address or a hyphenated range.
For domains, select Domain for the type and then type the domain.
Wildcards are only allowed in a prefix. When a wildcard is used in a prefix, it must be connected with ". ". Only one wildcard may be used in a domain. For example, *.com will match or
For URLs, select URL for the type and then type the URL.
Wildcards are only allowed in a prefix. When a wildcard is used in the domain part of an URL, it must be connected with ". ". Only one wildcard may be used in a URL. For example, http://*.com will match or
When an unassigned wildcard is used in the URI part of an URL, it can match all parts. For example,*abc will match
Deep Discovery Analyzer accepts both HTTP and
For files, select File
SHA-1 or File
SHA-256 for the type and type the hash
Notes: Type some notes for the object.
Add More: Click this button to add more objects. Select an object type, type the object in next field, type some notes, and then click Add to List.
(Optional) Type some notes for the object.
Click Add More to add more objects.
Specify the IP address,
URL, File
SHA-1, or File
SHA-256 exception criteria.
Click Add to List.
Click Add when you have defined all the objects that you wish to add.
Deep Discovery Analyzer supports the addition of up
to 25,000 exceptions.
Click Import to add objects from a properly-formatted CSV file. In the new window that opens:
If you are importing exceptions for the first time, click Download sample CSV, save and populate the CSV file with objects (see the instructions in the CSV file), browse and then select the CSV file.
If you have imported exceptions previously, save another copy of the CSV file, populate it with new objects, browse and then select the CSV file.
Importing overwrites the current exception list.
However, objects retrieved from integrated products
are not modified. To keep a copy of the current
exception list, export the list before starting the
import process.
A CSV file can import a maximum of 25,000 exceptions.
Delete/Delete All
Select one or several objects to remove and then click Delete.
Click Delete All to delete all the objects.
Export/Export All
Select one or several objects and then click Export to save the objects to a CSV file.
Click Export All to save all the objects to a CSV file.
Data Filters
If there are too many entries in the table, limit the entries by performing these tasks:
Select an object type in the Show drop-down box.
Select a column name in the
Search column drop-down box
and then type some characters in the Search
keyword text box next to it. As you
type, the entries that match the characters you typed
are displayed. Deep Discovery Analyzer searches only the selected column
in the table for matches.
Records and Pagination Controls
The panel at the bottom of the screen shows the total number of objects. If all the objects cannot be displayed at the same time, use the pagination controls to view the objects that are hidden from view.