
You can import up to four images (one Linux and three Windows images). The hardware specifications of your product determine the number of images that you can import and the number of instances that you can deploy per image.

Virtual Analyzer supports OVA files up to 30GB in size.


Virtual Analyzer stops analysis and keeps all samples in the queue whenever an image is added or deleted, or when instances are modified.

  1. Go to Virtual Analyzer > Sandbox Management and click the Images tab.

    The Images screen appears.

  2. Click Import.

    The Import Image screen appears.

  3. Select a Platform option.
  4. Select an image source and configure the applicable settings.
    1. Type a permanent image name with a maximum of 50 characters.
    2. Choose the number of instances to allocate for the image.
    3. Type the URL or network share path of the OVA file.
    4. (Optional) Select Connect through a proxy sever.
    5. (Optional) Type the logon credentials if authentication is required.
  5. Click Import.

    Virtual Analyzer validates the OVA files before starting the import process.

    • If you selected HTTP/HTTPS or FTP server, Deep Discovery Analyzer downloads the images first before importing into Virtual Analyzer. The process can only be canceled before the download completes.

    • Deep Discovery Analyzer supports connection to a source HTTP /HTTPS server that complies with HTTP/1.0 or later.