This topic discusses considerations when installing the Security Agent to dual-stack or pure IPv6 clients.

Operating System

The Security Agent can only be installed on the following operating systems that support IPv6 addressing:

  • Windows Server 2008/2008 R2 (all editions)

  • Windows 7 (all editions)

  • Windows SBS 2008/2011

  • Windows 8.1 (all editions)

  • Windows 10 (all editions)

  • Windows Server 2012/2012 R2 (all editions)

  • Windows Server 2016 (Standard, Datacenter, Essentials)

Visit the following website for a complete list of system requirements:

Supported Installation Methods

All of the available installation methods can be used to install the Security Agent on pure IPv6 or dual-stack clients. For some installation methods, there are special requirements to install the Security Agent successfully.

Table 1. Installation Methods and IPv6 Support

Installation Method


Internal Web Page and Email Notification Install

If you are installing to a pure IPv6 client, the Security Server must be dual-stack or pure IPv6 and its host name or IPv6 address must be part of the URL.

For dual-stack clients, the IPv6 address that displays in the installation status screen depends on the option selected in the Preferred IP Address section in Administration > Global Settings > Desktop/Server tab.

Vulnerability Scanner and Remote Install

A pure IPv6 Security Server cannot install the Security Agent on pure IPv4 clients. Similarly, a pure IPv4 Security Server cannot install the agent on pure IPv6 clients.

Security Agent IP Addresses

A Security Server installed in an environment that supports IPv6 addressing can manage the following Security Agents:

  • A Security Server installed on a pure IPv6 client can manage pure IPv6 Security Agents.

  • A Security Server installed on a dual-stack client and has been assigned both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses can manage pure IPv6, dual-stack, and pure IPv4 Security Agents.

After you install or upgrade Security Agents, the agents register to the Security Server using an IP address.

  • Pure IPv6 Security Agents register using their IPv6 address.

  • Pure IPv4 Security Agents register using their IPv4 address.

  • Dual-stack Security Agents register using either their IPv4 or IPv6 address. You can choose the IP address that these agents will use in the Preferred IP Address section in Administration > Global Settings > Desktop/Server tab.