Use this feature to manually or automatically delete quarantined messages. This feature can delete all messages, messages that have been resent, and messages that have not been resent.

  1. Go to Devices.
  2. Select a Messaging Security Agent.
  3. Click Configure Policy.

    A new screen appears.

  4. Click Quarantine > Maintenance.

    A new screen appears.

  5. Update the following as required:
    • Enable automatic maintenance: Only available for automatic maintenance.

    • Files to delete

      • All quarantined files

      • Quarantined files that have never been resent

      • Quarantined files that have been resent at least once

    • Action: The number of days the messages should be stored. For example, if the date is November 21 and you typed 10 in Delete selected files older than, then the Messaging Security Agent deletes all files from before November 11 when it performs the automatic delete.

  6. Click Save.