• For Real-time Scan:

    Devices > {Messaging Security Agent} > Configure Policy > Content Filtering

  • For Manual Scan:

    Scans > Manual > {Expand Messaging Security Agent} > Content Filtering

  • For Scheduled Scan:

    Scans > Scheduled > {Expand Messaging Security Agent} > Content Filtering

  1. Click Add.

    A new screen appears.

  2. Select Monitor the message content of particular email accounts.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Type the name of your rule in the Rule name field.
  5. Set the email accounts to monitor.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Select the message part that you want to filter for undesirable content. The Messaging Security Agent can filter email messages by:
    • Subject

    • Body

    • Attachment


    The Messaging Security Agent only supports filtering of these parts of the email message during real-time scan. It does not support filtering of header and subject content during manual and scheduled scans.

  8. Add keywords for the target part that you want to filter for undesirable content. For details on working with keywords, see Keywords.
    1. If necessary, select whether or not to make content filter case-sensitive.
    2. Import new keyword files from a .txt file as needed.
    3. Define a list of synonyms.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Select an action for the Messaging Security Agent to take when it detects undesirable content. The Messaging Security Agent can perform the following actions (For descriptions, see Scan Targets and Actions for Messaging Security Agents):
    • Replace with text/file


      You cannot replace text from the From, To, Cc, or subject fields.

    • Quarantine entire message

    • Quarantine message part

    • Delete entire message

    • Archive

  11. Select Notify recipients to set the Messaging Security Agent to notify the intended recipients of email messages that had content filtered.

    Select Do not notify external recipients to only send notifications to internal mail recipients. Define internal addresses from Operations > Notification Settings > Internal Mail Definition.

  12. Select Notify senders to set the Messaging Security Agent to notify the senders of email messages that had content filtered.

    Select Do not notify external senders to only send notifications to internal mail senders. Define internal addresses from Operations > Notification Settings > Internal Mail Definition.

  13. In the Advanced Options section, click the plus (+) icon to expand the Archive Setting subsection.
    1. In the Quarantine directory field, type the path to the folder for Content Filtering to place quarantined email or accept the default value: <Messaging Security Agent Installation folder>\storage\quarantine
    2. In the Archive directory field, type the path to the folder for Content Filtering to place archived email or accept the default value: <Messaging Security Agent Installation folder>\storage\backup for content filter
  14. Click the plus (+) icon to expand the Replacement Settings subsection.
    1. In the Replacement file name field, type the name of the file that Content Filtering will replace an email message with when a rule using the “Replace with text/file” action is triggered, or accept the default value.
    2. In the Replacement text field, type or paste the content of the replacement text for Content Filtering to use when an email message triggers a rule whose action is “Replace with text/file” or accept the default text.
  15. Click Finish.

    The wizard closes and returns to the Content Filtering screen.