The Messaging Security Agent displays all the Content Filtering rules on the Content Filtering screen. Access this screen by navigating to:

  • For Real-time Scan:

    Devices > {Messaging Security Agent} > Configure Policy > Content Filtering

  • For Manual Scan:

    Scans > Manual > {Expand Messaging Security Agent} > Content Filtering

  • For Scheduled Scan:

    Scans > Scheduled > {Expand Messaging Security Agent} > Content Filtering

  1. View summary information about the rules, including:
    • Rule: Worry-Free Business Security comes with default rules that filter content according to the following categories: Profanity, Racial Discrimination, Sexual Discrimination, Hoaxes, and Chainmail. These rules are disabled by default. You can modify these rules according to your requirements or delete them. If none of these rules meet your requirements, add your own rules.

    • Action: The Messaging Security Agent takes this action when it detects undesirable content.

    • Priority: The Messaging Security Agent applies each filter in succession according to the order shown on this page.

    • Enabled: A green icon indicates an enabled rule while a red icon indicates a disabled rule.

  2. Perform the following tasks:



    Enable/Disable Content Filtering

    Select or clear Enable real-time content filtering on top of the screen.

    Add a rule

    Click Add.

    A new screen opens where you can choose the type of rule to add. For details, see Types of Content Filtering Rules.

    Modify a rule

    1. Click the rule name.

      A new screen opens.

    2. The options available in the screen depend on the type of rule. To determine the type of rule, check the breadcrumb on top of the screen and note the second item in the breadcrumb. For example:

      Content Filtering > Match Any Condition Rule > Edit Rule

      For details about rule settings that you can modify, see any of the following topics:

    Reorder rules

    The Messaging Security Agent applies the Content Filtering rules to email messages according to the order shown in the Content Filtering screen. Configure the order in which the rules are applied. The agent filters all email messages according to each rule until a content violation triggers an action that prevents further scanning (such as delete or quarantine). Change the order of these rules to optimize content filtering.

    1. Select a check box that corresponds to the rule for which you want to change the order.

    2. Click Reorder.

      A box appears around the order number for the rule.

    3. In the Priority column box, delete the existing order number and type a new one.


      Be sure to enter a number no larger than the total number of rules in the list. If you enter a number higher than the total number of rules, Worry-Free Business Security disregards the entry and does not change the order of the rule.

    4. Click Save Reorder.

      The rule moves to the priority level that you entered, and all the other rule order numbers change accordingly.

      For example, if you select rule number 5 and change it to rule number 3, then rules number 1 and 2 remain the same, and rules numbered 3 and higher increase by one number.

    Enable/Disable rules

    Click the icon under the Enabled column.

    Remove rules

    When you delete a rule, the Messaging Security Agent updates the order of the other rules to reflect the change.


    Deleting a rule is irreversible, consider disabling a rule instead of deleting.

    1. Select a rule.

    2. Click Remove.

  3. Click Save.