Alert Frequency
Account Locked
An account was locked because of multiple unsuccessful logon attempts.
Long Virtual Analyzer Queue
The number of Virtual Analyzer submissions has exceeded the
threshold of 100.
Once every 30 minutes
Component Update Unsuccessful
A component update was unsuccessful.
Once every 30 minutes
High CPU Usage
The average CPU usage in the last 5 minutes has exceeded the threshold of
Once every 30 minutes
High Memory Usage
The average memory usage in the last 5 minutes has exceeded the
threshold of 90%.
Once every 30 minutes
High Disk Usage
Disk usage has exceeded the threshold of 85%.
Once every 30 minutes
Secondary Appliance Unresponsive
A secondary appliance in the cluster encountered an error and was unable to recover.
High Availability Suspended
The passive primary appliance encountered an error and was unable to recover. High
availability was suspended.
Once every 30 minutes
New High-Risk Objects Identified
The number of new high-risk objects identified during the last 30
minutes has reached the threshold of 10.
Connection Issue
Unable to establish connection to a required resource.
Once every 30 minutes
Long Virtual Analyzer Processing Time
The Virtual Analyzer processing time has exceeded the threshold of
30 minutes.
Once every 30 minutes
NoteConsider decreasing the number of sandbox instances if the system frequently experiences
high CPU or memory usage for long periods of time.
For details, see Modifying Sandbox Instances.