
The StellarOne console facilitates agent management by allowing users to organize agents into various groups and build up multi-level hierarchy among the groups (parent groups above child groups), forming an agent/group tree structure.

Click the Agents tab in the top navigation bar of the StellarOne web console. Click the All group on the Agents screen. The Agents screen displays a list of agents managed by StellarOne and enables users to perform configuration tasks, which are one-time commands for triggering immediate actions.


All agents are under the All group by default.

Table 1. Toolbar



+Add Group

This tool allows users to create groups according to location, type, or purpose for better multi-agent management. Please refer to Add Groups for more details.


This tool allows users to edit description for agent(s), move agent(s) to another group, and remove agent(s)/group(s). Please refer to Edit Description for Agents and Organize Agents/Groups for more details.


This tool allows users to configure Maintenance Mode, update Approved List when the Application Lockdown feature is enabled, and customize file scan settings. Please refer to Configure Maintenance Mode, Update Approved List, and Scan Now for more details.


This tool allows users to update components and deploy patches for agents. Refer to Update Agent Components, Deploy Agent Patches, Check Connections, and Collect Event Logs for more details.


This tool allows users to export an agent config file, and then import it to apply the settings specified in the config file to a batch of target agents/groups . Refer to Agent Export/Import Settings for more details.

Table 2. Column Headings




  • : Indicates an agent

  • : Indicates a group

IP Address

Indicates the IP Address of the endpoint (one IP address corresponds to a single agent)


  • : Indicates the Application Lockdown is enabled

  • : Indicates the agent protection feature is enabled

  • : Indicates the agent is in maintenance mode

  • : Indicates the agent protection feature is disabled and the endpoint is vulnerable to security threats

Policy Inheritance

  • Inherited: Indicates the policy settings for the agent/group are inherited from its parent group

  • Customized: Indicates the policy settings for the agent/group are customized by users

  • Self-managed: Indicates the agent/group is free from the StellarOne web console's policy management and its feature settings should be configured on the local console

  • : Indicates the agent's feature settings synchronize with the StellarOne console policy settings

  • : Indicates the agent's feature settings do not synchronize with the StellarOne console policy settings

  • : Indicates the agent/group is free from the StellarOne web console's policy management and its feature settings should be configured on the local console

Approved List

Indicates the total number of applications added in the Approved List. If the endpoint is creating its Approved List, a progress bar instead will appear.

Agent Version

Indicates the firmware version of the agent

Last Connection

Indicates the last time the agent was connected with the StellarOne console

Function Type

Indicates two function types of StellarProtect:
  • StellarProtect: for devices with Windows 7 or later versions

  • StellarProtect (Legacy Mode): for devices with legacy platforms such as Windows XP/2000


Under this heading, users can
  • click , the policy icon, for linking to the General Info policy page.

  • click the kebab menu (three dots menu) for organizing agents and renaming/removing groups. Please refer to Edit Description for Agents and Organize Agents/Groups for more details.

Table 3. Other Tools




: This tool allows users to quickly find the agents/groups by sorting and searching. Please refer to Filter Options for Agents/Groups for more details.

Table Display Settings

: This tool allows users to customize the table display settings by:
  • going back and forth between the display pages

  • selecting how many agents/groups to be displayed per page and specifying only certain contents to be displayed in the Customize Table Display setting

  • manually refreshing the table for the latest outputs