Users can organizing agents/groups by:
  • renaming groups

  • removing groups

  • removing (unregistering) agents from groups

  • moving agents to another group

  1. Go to Agents in the top navigation bar of the StellarOne web console.
  2. Click the All group on the Agents screen. The Agents screen displays a list of agents managed by StellarOne.
  3. To rename a group, click the kebab menu (three dots menu) of the target group under the Actions header. A drop-down menu appears. Select the Rename button and then a pop-up window appears. Delete the old group name and replace it with a new one. Click Confirm to complete this task.

    Groups at the same level can not have the same group name.

  4. There are two ways to remove groups or agents:
    • To remove multiple agents or groups at the same time, click the checkboxes next to the target agents or groups. Click the Organize tool on the toolbar and select Remove. Click Confirm to remove the agents/groups.

      • To remove agent(s): The agent(s) will be unregistered from the server.

      • To remove group(s): The group(s) and the configuration of the group(s) will be removed.

    • To remove a single agent or group, click the kebab menu (three dots menu) of the target agent/group under the Actions header. A drop-down menu appears. Select the Remove button to remove the agent/group.

    To remove groups with child groups/agents, please remove the child groups/agents from the target groups first.

  5. There are two ways to move agent(s) to another group:
    • To move multiple agents to another group at the same time, click the checkboxes next to the target agents. Click the Organize tool on the toolbar.

    • To move a single agent to another group, click the kebab menu (three dots menu) of the target agent under the Actions header.

    A drop-down menu appears. Select the Move button and then a pop-up window appears. Select the group and click Confirm to complete this task.