Table 1. Filter Options for Agents/Groups



This icon provides three filter options:
  • Active Agents: the agents with license seats

  • Inactive Agents: the agents without license seats

  • Ungrouped Agents: the agents that are not grouped.


The name of the agent. Type the full or partial endpoint host name to locate the specific agent.

IP Address

Type the IPv4 address.

IP Range

Type the IPv4 address range.


The name of the group. Please ensure that you select the available group.

Policy Inheritance

Three options -- Customized, Inherited, and Self-managed, are available for selection.

Policy Deployment

The status of policy deployment from StellarOne to Agents. Select Completed or In Progress.

Agent Version

Type the build version of the target agents.

Last Connection

The last time the agents were connected with StellarOne. Select the default time period or select Custom range to specify a time period. Default time period:
  • Last 1 hour

  • Last 24 hours

  • Last 7 days

  • Last 30 days

Function Type

Select StellarProtect or StellarProtect (Legacy Mode).

Operating System

Select an operating system of the target endpoints.


Type the full or partial description to query specific endpoints.