Scan POP3 messages
By default, Mail Scan can only scan new messages sent through port 110 in the Inbox and Junk Mail folders. It does not support secure POP3 (SSL-POP3), which is used by Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 by default.
  • Outlook Express™ 6.0 with Service Pack 2 (on Windows XP only)
  • Windows Mail™ (on Microsoft Vista only)
  • Mozilla Thunderbird 1.5 and 2.0
Mail Scan cannot detect security risks in IMAP messages. Use the Messaging Security Agent (Advanced only) to detect security risks and spam in IMAP messages.
Scan floppy disks during system shutdown
Scans floppy disks during shutdown
Enable IntelliTrap
Detects malicious code, such as bots, in compressed files
For details, see IntelliTrap.
Quarantine malware variants detected in memory
Behavior Monitoring scans the system memory for suspicious processes and Real-time Scan maps the process and scans it for malware threats. If a malware threat exists, Real-time scan quarantines the process and/or file.
Scan compressed files
A compressed file has one layer for each time it has been compressed. If an infected file has been compressed to several layers, it must be scanned through the specified number of layer to detect the infection. Scanning through multiple layers, however, requires more time and resources.
Scan Trigger
  • Read: Scans files whose contents are read; files are read when they are opened, executed, copied, or moved
  • Write: Scans files whose contents are being written; a file's contents are written when the file is modified, saved, downloaded, or copied from another location
  • Read or write
Enable CVE exploit scanning for files downloaded through web and email channels
Blocks processes that attempt to exploit known vulnerabilities in commercially available products based on the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) system