
Customizable home page available in Platform Directory

September 25, 2023 — Besides the default Executive Dashboard home page, you can now set which app you want to land on after signing in to the Trend Vision One console.
For more information, see Platform directory.
Platform Directory

Master Administrators can opt in to all pre-release apps/services

January 8, 2024 — Trend Vision One has added an opt-in and opt-out mechanism in Platform Directory for Master Administrators to choose whether they want to view and try Trend Vision One pre-release apps/services available for the organization.
After opting in, you can use all current and future pre-release apps/services at no added cost during the pre-release preview and will be notified at least 30 days before official release or any upcoming charge.
For customers that were already using Trend Vision One prior to January 8, 2024, opting in is automatically enabled to ensure service continuity of previously opted-in apps/services. You must manually opt out if you do not want to use pre-release apps/services.
Platform Directory