If you are a customer of Trend Micro Hosted Email Security and want to switch to Cloud Email Gateway Protection, Cloud Email Gateway Protection allows you to migrate your existing data from Hosted Email Security.
There are two ways to migrate your data:
  • Provisioning wizard
    When you log on to the Cloud Email Gateway Protection administrator console for the first time, a provisioning wizard will be launched, asking whether to migrate your data from Hosted Email Security before provisioning your account. If you choose to migrate data, follow the on-screen instructions to perform migration. If you choose not to migrate data, you will proceed with provisioning.
  • Data migration tool
    If you decide to migrate data after going through all the features on the administrator console, choose AdministrationOther SettingsHosted Email Security Migration Tool to run the tool for data migration. The data migration tool is only available after you choose not to migrate data in the provisioning wizard. Follow the on-screen instructions to perform migration with the tool.
The following procedure details how to use the wizard for data migration and provisioning.


  1. In the provisioning wizard, choose Migrate data from Hosted Email Security.
    The migration starts, and the progress is displayed in the wizard.
    The migration process may take up to one hour depending on the size of your account, domain and policy settings.
  2. Click Next once the migration is done.
    You are ready to proceed with provisioning.
    If you have any settings in Cloud Email Gateway Protection, your current settings will be overwritten during the migration process.
  3. Provide your administrator profile information.
    Keep your information current because Trend Micro will send you important maintenance plans, urgent incidents and new features.
    1. Type your first name and last name.
    2. Specify your email address.
    3. Click Next.
      An email message will be sent to your registered email address. Check your mailbox and click the verification link in the message to proceed.
  4. Set your company identifier.
    Your domain settings will then be migrated from Hosted Email Security.
    Trend Micro generates a custom subdomain for your company based on the company identifier you set. For example, if your company identifier is "example", your MX record for incoming email messages will be generated based on your location.
    • North America, Latin America and Asia Pacific:
    • Europe and Africa:
    • Australia and New Zealand:
    • Japan:
    • Singapore:
    • India:
    • Middle East (UAE):
    You still need to perform further setup tasks to get Cloud Email Gateway Protection up and running. For details, see Setting up Cloud Email Gateway Protection6 after data migration.