To ensure your organization achieves effective email security protection, Cloud Email Gateway Protection recommends you perform the following tasks after data migration:
  1. Verify the migrated data on the Cloud Email Gateway Protection administrator console.
    For details about the migrated data, see Data that will be migrated.
  2. Set up Cloud Email Gateway Protection after migration, for example, adjust your domain and account settings.
    1. Check the status of the domain you added for provisioning and make sure your domain has been properly configured.
      Perform the following operations if necessary:
      • Verify your domain to prove that you own the domain.
      • Modify your firewall settings to accept email messages from Cloud Email Gateway Protection.
      • Change the MX record of your domain to point to the Cloud Email Gateway Protection server.
      • Modify the SPF record for your domain.
      For details, see Configuring a domain.
    2. Obtain the web address for you to access the Cloud Email Gateway Protection administrator console based on your licensing agreement with Trend Micro.
    3. Share the End User Console web address for your region with your end users:
  3. If you want to enable single sign-on (SSO) for end user accounts, complete required settings.
    For details, see Configuring single sign-on.
  4. Install the latest version of the Directory Synchronization Tool.