Server & Workload Protection can run recommendation scans on computers to help identify intrusion prevention, integrity monitoring, and log inspection rules that should be applied or removed. Recommendation scans provide a good starting point for establishing a list of rules that you should implement, but you need to implement some important rules manually. See Implement additional rules for common vulnerabilities.
Do not enable Auto apply core Endpoint & Workload rules when using recommendation scans.
You can configure and implement recommendation scans for individual computers or at the policy level. For large deployments, Trend Micro recommends creating policies to manage recommendations. Policies make rule assignments from a single source rather than needing to manage individual rules on each computer. Consequently, policies may assign some rules to computers which do not need them.
When enabling recommendation scans in policies, use separate policies for scanning Windows and Linux computers to avoid assigning Windows rules to Linux computers or vice-verse.

What gets scanned?

During a recommendation scan, agents scan the following:
  • installed applications
  • Windows registry
  • open ports
  • directory listing
  • file system
  • running processes and services
  • environment variables
  • users

Scan limitations

Technical and logical limitations can cause inaccurate or missing recommendations for some types of software.
  • Recommendation scans do not include the following:
    • Web application protection rules.
    • Most smart rules unless they address a major threat or specific vulnerability. Smart rules address one or more (zero-day) vulnerabilities. Rule lists in Server & Workload Protection identify smart rules with Smart in the Type column.
    • On Windows systems, OpenSSL rules which an application uses internally. The scanner can only make recommendations for OpenSSL if you explicitly install it.
  • The scanner may recommend unnecessary rules for the following technologies:
    • Red Hat JBoss
    • Eclipse Jetty
    • Apache Struts
    • Oracle WebLogic
    • WebSphere
    • Oracle Application Testing Suite
    • Oracle Golden Gate
    • Nginx
    • Adobe Flash Player plug-in for Chrome - Recommendations are based on the Chrome version.
    • A content management system (CMS) and any CMS plugins - For a web server with PHP, the scan recommends all intrusion prevention rules related to the CMS.
  • On Linux systems:
    • If web browsers are the only applicable vector for Java-related vulnerabilities, the scanner does not recommend such rules.
  • On Unix or Linux systems:
    • The recommendation scan engine might have trouble detecting software that was not installed through the operating system's default package manager. For example, Apache Struts, Wordpress, or Joomla. Applications installed using standard package managers do not have this problem.
    • Recommendations do not include rules for desktop application vulnerabilities or local vulnerabilities. For example, browsers and media players.

Run a recommendation scan

Run recommendation scans on a regular basis (the best practice is weekly) because any change to your environment can affect rule recommendations. Ideally, schedule recommendation scans soon after Trend Micro releases new intrusion prevention rules each Tuesday. The use of system resources, including CPU cycles, memory, and network bandwidth, increases during a recommendation scan so schedule the scans at non-peak times.
You need a Workload license to run recommendation scans.
You can run recommendation scans using any of the following ways:
  • Scheduled task: Create a scheduled task that runs recommendation scans according to a schedule that you configure. You can assign the scheduled task to all computers, one individual computer, a defined computer group, or all computers protected by a particular policy. See Create a scheduled task to regularly run recommendation scans.
  • Ongoing scans: Configure a policy so that all computers protected by the policy are scanned for recommendations on a regular basis. You can also configure ongoing scans for individual computers. This type of scan checks the time that the last scan occurred and waits a configured interval to scan. This results in recommendation scans occurring at different times in your environment. Ongoing scans are helpful in environments where an agent might be online for short or intermittent periods. For example, cloud environments that build and decommission instances frequently. See Configure an ongoing scan.
  • Manual scans: Run a single recommendation scan on one or more computers. A manual scan is useful if you recently made significant platform or application changes and want to force a check for new recommendations instead of waiting for a scheduled task. See Manually run a recommendation scan.
  • Command line: Initiate a recommendation scan using the Server & Workload Protection command-line interface. See Command-line utilities.
  • API: Initiate a recommendation scan using the Server & Workload Protection application programming interface (API). See How to use the Server & Workload Protection REST API.
Scheduled tasks and ongoing scans can run recommendation scans independently with their own settings. Use either the scheduled tasks or ongoing scans, but not both.
After running a recommendation scan, alerts appear on all computers that have recommendations.

Create a scheduled task to regularly run recommendation scans

For large deployments, use policies to perform all actions including recommendation scans.
  1. On the Server & Workload Protection console, go to Administration Scheduled Tasks.
  2. Select NewNew Scheduled Task to display the New Scheduled Task wizard.
  3. Select TypeScan Computers for Recommendations.
  4. Select how often you want the scan to occur.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Specify the scan frequency based on your selection.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Select the computers to scan.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Name the new scheduled task.
  11. Select whether to Run Task on Finish.
  12. Click Finish.

Configure an ongoing scan

For large deployments, use policies to perform all actions including recommendation scans.
  1. On the Server & Workload Protection console, open the corresponding editor:
    • For an individual Computer.
    • For all computers that are using a Policy.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. On the General tab, under Recommendations, use Perform ongoing Recommendation Scans to enable or disable ongoing recommendation scans. This setting is inheritable. See Policies, inheritance, and overrides.
  4. Specify how often the scans occur using Ongoing Scan Interval. This setting is inheritable. See Policies, inheritance, and overrides.

Manually run a recommendation scan

  1. On the Server & Workload Protection console, go to Computers.
  2. Select the computers you want to scan.
  3. Click Actions Scan for Recommendations.

Cancel a recommendation scan

You can cancel a recommendation scan before it starts running.
  1. On the Server & Workload Protection console, go to Computers.
  2. Select the computers where you want to cancel the scans.
  3. Click Actions Cancel Recommendation Scan.

Exclude a rule or application type from recommendation scans

For large deployments, it's best to perform all actions, including recommendation scans, through policies.
  1. On the Server & Workload Protection console, open the corresponding editor:
    • For an individual Computer.
    • For all computers that are using a Policy.
  2. Select the type of rule you want to exclude:
    • Intrusion Prevention
    • Integrity Monitoring
    • Log Inspection
  3. On the General tab, choose one of the following:
    • Assign/Unassign for rules
    • Application Types for application types
  4. Double-click the rule or application type that you want to exclude.
  5. Click the Options tab.
  6. Do one of the following:
    • For rules, set Exclude from Recommendations to Yes or Inherited (Yes).
    • For application types, select Exclude from Recommendations.

Automatically implement recommendations

You can configure Server & Workload Protection to automatically implement recommendation scan results.
For large deployments, use policies to perform all actions including implementing recommendations.
  1. On the Server & Workload Protection console, open the corresponding editor:
    • For an individual Computer.
    • For all computers that are using a Policy.
  2. Select the type you want to implement automatically:
    • Intrusion Prevention
    • Integrity Monitoring
    • Log Inspection
    You can change the setting independently for each protection module.
  3. On the General tab, under Recommendations, select Yes or Inherited (Yes).
The following recommendations cannot be implemented automatically:
  • Rules that require configuration before being applied.
  • Rules that are excluded from recommendation scans.
  • Rules that have been automatically assigned or unassigned, but that a user has overridden. For example, if Server & Workload Protection automatically assigns a rule and then you unassign it, the next recommendation scan does not reassign that rule.
  • Rules that have been assigned at a higher level in the policy hierarchy cannot be unassigned at a lower level. A rule assigned to a computer at the policy level must be unassigned at the policy level.
  • Rules that Trend Micro has issued, but which may pose a risk of producing false positives. This is addressed in the rule description.

Check scan results and manually assign rules

The results of the latest recommendation scan are displayed in the Computer or Policy editor on the General tab of the protection module (Intrusion Prevention, Integrity Monitoring, and Log Inspection).
The example below illustrates how to deal with intrusion prevention recommendation scan results using a policy:
  1. Once a recommendation scan is complete, open the policy that is assigned to the computers you have just scanned.
  2. Go to Intrusion Prevention General. The number of unresolved recommendations (if any) is displayed in the Recommendations section.
  3. Click Assign/Unassign to open the rule assignment window.
  4. Display a list of the recommended rules that have not been assigned:
    1. Sort the rules By Application Type.
    2. Select Recommended for Assignment.
      • Recommended rules have a rectangular, or full, flagrecommended_rule=114f086b-5872-4ecd-a0a2-0548ca8efd22.png.
      • A triangular, or partial, flag partially_recommended_rule=2d2059eb-bb2d-4d29-80f8-5f818f9dba86.png indicates that only some of the rules that are part of the application type have been recommended.
  5. To assign a single rule to a policy, select the box next to the rule name.
    • Rules with dpi_rules_option=84381749-8bce-4bd3-82d6-ae9e9804e843.png have configuration options that you can set.
    • Rules with warning=dfb7f735-8b48-42ab-b0eb-604833e44f85.png have settings that you must configure before enabling the rule.
  6. To assign several rules at once:
    1. Hold Shift or Control while selecting the rules.
    2. Right-click the selection.
    3. Click Assign Rule(s).

Configure recommended rules

Some rules require configuration before you can apply them. For example, some log inspection rules require the location of the log files. If this is the case, an alert appears on the computer where the recommendation was made. The text of the alert contains the information required to configure the rule. In the policy or computer editor, rules with warning=dfb7f735-8b48-42ab-b0eb-604833e44f85.png have settings that you must configured before enabling the rule. Rules with dpi_rules_option=84381749-8bce-4bd3-82d6-ae9e9804e843.png have optional configurations.

Implement additional rules for common vulnerabilities

Recommendation scans provide a good starting point for establishing a list of rules that you should implement, but some additional rules for common vulnerabilities are not identified by recommendation scans because must be carefully configured and tested before being implemented in prevent (block) mode. Trend Micro recommends that you configure and test these rules, then manually enable them in your policies or individual computers.
This table below includes the most common additional rules you should configure. You can find others in Server & Workload Protection by searching for rules whose type is Smart or Policy.
Rule name
Application type
1007598 - Identified Possible Ransomware File Rename Activity Over Network Share
DCERPC Services
1007596 - Identified Possible Ransomware File Extension Rename Activity Over Network Share
DCERPC Services
1006906 - Identified Usage Of PsExec Command Line Tool
DCERPC Services
1007064 - Executable File Uploaded On System32 Folder Through SMB Share
DCERPC Services
1003222 - Block Administrative Share
DCERPC Services
1001126 - DNS Domain Blocker
DNS Client
1000608 - Generic SQL Injection Prevention
Web Application Common
1005613 - Generic SQL Injection Prevention - 2
Web Application Common
1000552 - Generic Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Prevention
Web Application Common
1006022 - Identified Suspicious Image With Embedded PHP Code
Web Application Common
1005402 - Identified Suspicious User Agent In HTTP Request
Web Application Common
1005934 - Identified Suspicious Command Injection Attack
Web Application Common
1006823 - Identified Suspicious Command Injection Attack - 1
Web Application Common
1005933 - Identified Directory Traversal Sequence In Uri Query Parameter
Web Application Common
1006067 - Identified Too Many HTTP Requests With Specific HTTP Method
Web Server Common
1005434 - Disallow Upload Of A PHP File
Web Server Common
1003025 - Web Server Restrict Executable File Uploads
Web Server Common
1007212 - Disallow Upload Of An Archive File
Web Server Common
1007213 - Disallow Upload Of A Class File
Web Server Common

Troubleshooting: Recommendation Scan Failure

If you receive a Recommendation Scan Failure on your server, create a diagnostic package from the agent and contact support.


Typically, for communication issues, protocol error appears in the body of the error message. To resolve this issue, ensure that you are using agent-initiated communication. See Activate and protect agents using agent-initiated activation and communication.

Server resources

Monitor the CPU and memory resources on the server. If the memory or CPU becomes exhausted during scanning, increase the resources.