Remote Manager allows you to complete the following tasks for a registered Cloud Edge installation.

Cloud Edge Management Tasks

Assign a Virtual Analyzer service plan to Cloud Edge
Click the Add button and select a Virtual Analyzer service plan to assign to an existing Cloud Edge device.
View events
Select the Events tab to view a list of Cloud Edge events.
Update firmware
Select the Firmware Updates tab to update outdated devices.
You can update Cloud Edge device firmware for multiple customers from the Customers screen.
For more information, see Customers overview.
Cloud Edge devices require special update permissions for specific firmware versions. You must configure the permission on each device before triggering Cloud Edge to update to the necessary firmware version.
Register devices
Select the Devices tab and click Register to register a new device.
Access the Cloud Edge console
Access the Cloud Edge console by clicking Open Console.
You can also select registered devices from the Product tree and view the following tabs for information about specific devices:
  • Events
  • Components
  • Network
  • VPN