
Apex Central allows you to modify the access rights for a custom user role.

For information about editing the user role assigned to a particular user account, see Editing a User Account.


Managed product information displayed on accessible menu items depends on the managed product/directory permissions that Apex Central administrators specify in an individual's user account.


Bob and Jane are Apex One administrators. Both have identical user role permissions (they have access to the same menu items in the web console). However, Jane oversees operations for all Apex One servers. Bob only oversees operations for Apex One servers protecting desktops for the Marketing department. The information that they can view in the web console will be very different. Bob logs on and only sees information that is applicable to the Apex One servers that his Apex Central user account allows (the Apex One servers for the Marketing department). When Jane logs on, she sees information for all Apex One servers, because her Apex Central user account grants her access to all Apex One servers registered to Apex Central.

  1. Go to Administration > Account Management > User Roles.

    The User Roles screen appears.

  2. Click the Name of a user role to edit.

    The Edit Role screen appears.

  3. Edit the user role information.
  4. Click Save to apply changes.