
Use the User Accounts screen to edit the user information, user role, or managed product/folder access rights of any user account that you have permission to edit.

  • The <Root> account created during installation can edit any user account on the Apex Central network. Any user account assigned the Administrator or Administrator and DLP Compliance Officer user role can edit any other user account on the Apex Central network, except for the <Root> account.

  • Modifying the access rights of a user account terminates all Apex Central sessions for the modified account and all accounts created by the modified account.

  • You cannot change the user name of an existing account.

  1. Go to Administration > Account Management > User Accounts.

    The User Accounts screen appears.

  2. Click the User/Group Name of the account to modify.

    The User Accounts > Step 1: User Information screen appears.

  3. To enable or disable the account, select or deselect the Enable this account check box.
  4. Modify the user information.
  5. Click Next.

    The User Accounts > Step 2: Access control screen appears.

  6. Modify the user role, accessible products/folders, or access rights.
  7. Click Finish to apply changes.