ServerProtect provides three scan modes for detecting viruses: Real-time Scan, Scan Now (Manual scan), and Scheduled scan.
Real-time Scan checks all incoming and outgoing files on the server for signs of infection. Scan Now scans on-demand, allowing you to check a server for virus exposure immediately. Scheduled scan checks for infected files on selected ServerProtect servers at predetermined times.
There are five actions for dealing with infected files: Bypass (Ignore), Delete, Rename, Quarantine (Move), and Clean.
You can do the following:
  • Choose the type of files to scan.
  • Prevent users from modifying or deleting selected directories/files using the Deny Write list. For more information about configuring the Deny write list, see the related topic in the online help.
The results of each scan are available in the Scan Result logs. You can take action on the infected files directly from the Scan Result window. This provides a convenient way to take appropriate actions during a virus infection event. For more information, refer to the Viewing Scan Result Information topic in the online help.