
The Endpoint Analysis Report icon can display the following statuses:

Table 1. Endpoint Analysis Report - Status Details
Icon Message Description

Report retrieved on <date + time>.

The report was retrieved with new data and is ready to open.

The report was retrieved with existing data and is ready to open.

The retrieval of existing data is pending.

There is no correlational report for this host.

There is no correlation report with new data for this host. Additionally, an existing report does not exist.

Cannot retrieve latest correlational report. [Error code]

You can click to open existing report.

Cannot retrieve correlational report. [Error code]

There is no data to retrieve.

Retrieving Endpoint Analysis Report. Please wait.

There is a report to retrieve.

Report retrieval failed. Trying to retrieve report again. [Error code]

Deep Discovery Director is trying to retrieve the report again.

The following table describes the error codes that can appear and how to resolve the issues.

Table 2. Error Code Descriptions and Solutions

Error Code




Retrieval of the Endpoint Analysis Report has timed out.

Verify that there are no connection issues between Deep Discovery Director (Internal Network Analytics Version), Deep Discovery Director - Network Analytics as a Service, and Apex Central.




Apex Central encountered an unexpected error.

Verify that Apex Central works normally.


The Endpoint Sensor license is invalid.

Verify that the Endpoint Sensor license status is normal on Apex Central.


Apex Central could not find the target endpoint.

Verify that Endpoint Sensor and installation of security agents are enabled in Apex Central.


The operating system of the endpoint is not supported.

None. Endpoint Analysis Reports can only be generated on endpoints running Windows operating systems.