This task assumes that you have already added the Pie Chart report element to a custom report template row.

For more information, see Adding or Editing Custom Templates.

  1. In the Pie Chart report element, click Edit.

    The Edit Pie Chart > Step 1: Data View screen appears.

  2. Select the type of report data you want to display from the Data Views directory.

    For more information, see Data Views.

  3. Click Next >.

    The Step 2: Set Query Criteria screen appears.

  4. To filter the data that displays, select Custom criteria.
  5. Specify the Match rule for the custom filter.
    • All of the criteria: Data must match all the specified criteria.

    • Any of the criteria: Data can match any of the specified criteria.

  6. Specify the filtering criteria, each of which consists of three parts:
    • Data type: Corresponds to a column returned by the data view

    • Operator: Used to match or exclude data type values

    • Value: Select criteria from the drop-down controls or specify values in the text boxes


    The options that display depend on the selected data view, and the selected data type and operator.

    Apex Central supports a maximum of 20 filters.

  7. Add or remove criteria using the plus () and minus () controls.
  8. Click Next >.

    The Step 3: Specify Design screen appears.

  9. Specify the Name used as the title for the chart.
  10. From the Drag Available Fields list, drag-and-drop the data that displays in the following locations:
    • Data Field: Specifies the total count for data appearing in the chart

    • Category Field: Specifies how the data is separated in the chart

  11. In the Data Properties section, configure the following:
    • Aggregated by: The method in which to display data

      • Total number of instances: Includes duplicate results in the data

      • Number of unique instances: Displays only one instance of duplicated result types

      For example, if an endpoint detects 5 instances of "VirusA" and 3 instances of "VirusB" in the data, the detection count on the graph would display the following values:

      • Total number of instances = 8 (virus detections, regardless of virus name)

      • Number of unique instances = 2 (unique virus types, regardless of number of occurrences)

  12. In the Category Properties section, configure the following:
    • Specify the Label name that appears on the horizontal axis of the chart.

    • Select the Sorting order and direction.

      • Aggregation value: Sorts based on the count value of the data

      • Category name: Sorts alphabetically based on the category name

    • Select the Filter summarized result check box to filter the data that displays in the report.

      • Specify the maximum number of items to display.

      • Enable Aggregate remaining items to group all remaining data in the "Others" category.

  13. Click Save.

    The Add/Edit Report Template screen appears with the updated chart settings applied.