

Product version

  • Apex Central (any version)

  • Control Manager 7.0 (or later)

Apex Central registration

For products that do not register to Apex Central through the Apex Central console, the following Apex Central registration information is required:

  • Server FQDN or IP address

  • Port: By default, Apex Central uses HTTP Port 80 or HTTPS Port 443

For products that register using the Apex Central management console, go to Administration > Managed Servers > Server Registration, select the product from the Server Type list, and click Add.

Suspicious Object list synchronization

For products that do not automatically synchronize the Suspicious Object lists with Apex Central, the following API information is required:

  • API key: To obtain the API key, open the Apex Central management console and go to Threat Intel > Distribution Settings.

Integrated Connected Threat Defense features

  • Security threat monitoring

  • Suspicious Object list synchronization

  • Suspicious Object management

  • Impact analysis

  • Endpoint isolation

  • IOC management