The Product Directory screen displays information about all the managed product servers registered to the Apex Central server. You can use this screen to search for specific managed product entities, view managed server status summaries, execute managed product tasks, configure managed product settings, or query managed product logs.
You can also use the Log Query screen to query managed product logs.
For more information, see Querying Logs.
The Product Directory tree organizes managed products into the following default folders:
  • Apex Central as a Service: Displays the name of the Apex Central server and contains all the following subfolders
  • Local Folder: Contains the New Entity folder and any custom folders you create
  • Apex One (Mac) as a Service: Contains the Apex One (Mac) as a Service servers and domains registered to Apex Central
    The system displays Apex One (Mac) as a Service domains on the Policy screen only.
  • Apex One as a Service: Contains the Apex One as a Service servers and domains registered to Apex Central
  • New Entity: Contains all managed products newly registered to the Apex Central server
  • Search Result: Contains all managed products that match the criteria for a basic or advanced search
Except for the New Entity folder, Apex Central lists all folders in ascending order, starting from special characters (!, #, $, %, (, ), *, +, -, comma, period, +, ?, @, [, ], ^, _, {, |, }, and ~), numbers (0 to 9), or alphabetic characters (a/A to z/Z).
The Product Directory screen uses icons to represent managed products and the connection status of managed products.
For more information about the Product Directory icons, see the following topics:
The following table outlines the tasks available on the Product Directory screen.
View status summaries
Select a managed product entity in the Product Directory to view the status summary.
For more information, see Viewing Managed Product Status Summaries.
Find managed product entities
In the Find entity search box, search for managed product entities using partial string matching and click Search. Managed product entities that match the search criteria appear in the Search Result folder.
For more information about performing an advanced search, see Executing Managed Product Tasks.
Configure managed product settings
Select a managed product entity in the Product Directory tree and select an option from the Configure drop-down.
For more information, see Configuring Managed Product Settings.
Execute managed product tasks
Select a managed product entity in the Product Directory tree and select an option from the Tasks drop-down.
For more information, see Executing Managed Product Tasks.
Query managed product logs
Select a managed product entity in the Product Directory and click Logs.
For more information, see Querying Logs from the Product Directory.
Organize the Product Directory structure
Click Directory Management to create new folders or move or group managed product entities in the Product Directory tree.
For more information, see Directory Management.
Single sign-on to manged product consoles
Select the managed product server icon in the corresponding folder in the Product Directory tree and click Configure<Managed_Product> Single Sign On.
You can also single sign-on to managed product consoles from the Product Servers screen.
For more information, see Managed Product Servers.