The access rights you specify for selected managed products/folders determine the controls available to the user on the Product Directory screen. For example, if you only specify the Execute access right for the selected managed products/folders, then the user can only use the Tasks button on the Product Directory screen.
The actions available on the Product Directory screen buttons dynamically change based on user role, managed product/folder access rights, and the managed product/folder you select in the Product Directory structure.
For more information, see Product Directory Overview.
You can specify one or more of the following access rights for the accessible managed products/folders.
Access Right
Allows the user account to use the Tasks button on the Product Directory screen to execute tasks on managed products located in accessible folders
For more information, see Executing Managed Product Tasks.
Allows the user account to use the Configure button on the Product Directory screen to configure managed product settings or log on to the managed product web console from Apex Central
For more information, see Configuring Managed Product Settings.
Edit Directory
Allows the user account to use the Directory Management button to organize accessible managed products or folders in the Product Directory structure
For more information, see Directory Management.
When administrators specify which products a user can access, the administrator is also specifying what information a user can access from Apex Central. The following information is affected: component information, logs, product summary information, security information, and information available for reports and log queries.
Bob and Jane are Apex One administrators. Both have identical user role permissions (they have access to the same menu items in the web console). However, Jane oversees operations for all Apex One servers. Bob only oversees operations for Apex One servers protecting desktops for the Marketing department. The information that they can view in the web console will be very different. Bob logs on and only sees information that is applicable to the Apex One servers that his Apex Central user account allows (the Apex One servers for the Marketing department). When Jane logs on, she sees information for all Apex One servers, because her Apex Central user account grants her access to all Apex One servers registered to Apex Central.