Install the Control Manager Server

This section helps you install Control Manager; see Prepare for Control Manager server installation, before proceeding with the steps below.

To install a Control Manager server:

  1. Register and activate the product and services

    1. On the Windows taskbar, click Start > Run, and then locate the Control Manager installation program (Setup.exe). If you are installing from the Trend Micro Enterprise Protection CD, go to the Control Manager folder on the CD. If you downloaded the software from the Trend Micro Web site, navigate to the relevant folder on your computer. The installation program checks your system for existing components. The Welcome screen appears.

    The setup program can detect an existing copy of Trend Virus Control System, and give you the option to migrate it to Control Manager; doing so also upgrades all Trend VCS agents on your system. Before proceeding with the installation, close all instances of the Microsoft Management Console. For more information about migration, see Planning the Trend VCS 1.8x and Control Manager 2.5x agent migration.

    1. Click Next. The Software License Agreement appears. If you do not agree with the terms of the license, click No; the installation will discontinue. Otherwise, click Yes. The Check Local System Environment screen appears, providing a summary of detected components.

    2. Click Next. The Name and Company Information screen appears.

    3. Type your name and company.

    4. Click Next. The Product Activation screen (Step 1) appears.

    5. Click Register Online and follow the on-screen instructions to register your product. Register your product to ensure you are eligible to receive the latest security updates and other product and maintenance services. After registration is complete, Trend Micro issues an Activation Code you use to activate Trend Micro software and other Trend Micro services.

    6. Click Next. The Product Activation screen (Step 2) appears.

    7. Type the Activation Code for Control Manager and any other additional purchased services (you can also activate optional services from the Control Manager console).

    8. Click Next. The World Virus Tracking program screen appears.

    9. Click Yes to participate in the World Virus Tracking Program. You can add your data to the Trend Micro Virus Map by choosing to participate in the World Virus Tracking Program. When you choose to participate, Trend Micro Control Manager will only send anonymous information, and you can stop participating any time by choosing No and updating your status on the Control Manager management console.

  2. Specify Control Manager server file location and communications settings

    1. Click Next. The Select Destination Folder screen appears.  

    2. Specify a location for Control Manager files. The default location is C:\Program Files\Trend Micro. Click Browse tospecify an alternate location.

    3. The setup program installs files related to the Control Manager communication, (the Trend Micro Management Infrastructure) in predetermined folders in the Program files folder; you cannot change this location.

    1. Click Next. The Choose Destination Location screen appears.

    2. Specify the location of the Control Manager backup and authentication files (for more information see Control Manager backup and authentication files). Click Browse to specify an alternate location.

    3. Click Next. The Specify Web Server Information screen appears. The settings on this screen define communication security and how the Control Manager network identifies your server.

    4. From the Web site list, select the Web site to access Control Manager

    5. From the IP address list, select the IP address or FQDN/host name you want to use for the Control Manager Management Console. This setting defines how the Control Manager communication system identifies your Control Manager server. The setup program attempts to detect both the server's Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) and IP address and displays them in the appropriate field.

    If your server has more than one Network Interface Card, or if you assign your server more than one FQDN, the names and IP addresses appear here. Choose the most appropriate address or name by selecting the corresponding option or item in the list.

    If you use the host name or FQDN to identify your server, make sure that this name can be resolved on the product machines, otherwise the products cannot communicate with the Control Manager server.

    1. From the Web access security level list, select the security level for Control Manager communication. The options are as follows:

    2. High - HTTPS only: All Control Manager communication uses HTTPS protocol. This ensures the most secure communication Control Manager and other products.

    3. Medium - HTTPS primary: If supported all Control Manager communication uses HTTPS protocol. If HTTPS is unavailable HTTP is used instead. This is the default setting when installing Control Manager.

    4. Low - HTTP based: All Control Manager communication uses HTTP protocol. This is the least secure communication method between Control Manager and other products.

    1. If you have not specified an SSL Port value in the ISS administration console, specify the access port for Control Manager communication in the SSL Port field.

  3. Choose and configure database information

    1. Click Next. The Setup Control Manager Database screen appears.

    2. Select a database to use with Control Manager.

    • Install Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) - the setup program automatically selects this option if an SQL server is not installed on this machine. Do not forget to specify a password for this database in the field provided. Note: The Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) is suitable only for a small number of connections. An SQL server is preferable for large Control Manager networks.

    • SQL Server - the setup program automatically selects this option if an SQL server is detected on your server. Provide the following information:

      • SQL Server (\Instance) - this server hosts the SQL server that you want to use for Control Manager. Typically, if an SQL server is present on your server, the setup program automatically selects it.

    To specify an alternative server identify it using its FQDN, IP address, or NetBIOS name.

    If more than one instance of SQL server exists on a host server (this can be either the same server where you are installing Control Manager, or another server), you must specify the instance. For example:

      • SQL Server Authentication - provide credentials to access the SQL server. By default, the User name is "sa".

      • For security reasons, do not use an SQL database that is not password protected.

    1. Under Trend Micro Control Manager database, provide a name for the Control Manager database. The default name is "db_ControlManager".

    2. Click Next to create the required database. If the setup program detects an existing Control Manager database, you have the following options:

    • Append new records to existing database- the Control Manager you install retains the same settings, accounts, and Product Directory entities as the previous server. In addition, Control Manager retains the root account of the previous installation � you cannot create a new root account.

    • Delete existing records, and create a new database- the existing database is deleted, and another, using the same name, is created

    • Create a new database with a new name- you are returned to the previous screen to allow you to change your Control Manager database name

    • If you append records to the current database, you will not be able to change the root account.


  4. Set up root account and configure proxy server

    1. Click Next. The Create Root Account screen appears.

    2. Provide the following required account information:

    • User ID

    • Full Name

    • Password

    • Password confirmation

    • Email address

    1. Click Next. The Proxy Configuration for Internet Download screen appears.

    2. If you use a proxy server connect to the Internet, select the Enable proxy server check box, and then set the following:

    • Proxy server- type the FQDN, IP address, or NetBIOS name of the server

    • Port- type the proxy port number

    • Proxy type- click the appropriate proxy type: HTTP or SOCKS

    • User name- type a logon name that can access the proxy. Provide both the domain name and logon name, for example:


    • Password

    1. Click Next. The system verifies the proxy settings you entered, and returns an error if the proxy server information you provided is incorrect. The proxy configuration screen for Trend VCS agents appears. If you intend to use a proxy server to communicate with these agents, select the Enable proxy server check box, and then provide the same set of information you specified to connect to the Internet.


  5. Configure notification settings

    1. Click Next. The Notification Settings screen appears.

    2. Configure the various settings Control Manager uses for notification functions.

    3. SMTP server- this allows you to send email notifications via your SMTP server. Provide the SMTP server�s FQDN, IP address, or NetBIOS name, and the appropriate port, in the fields provided.

    4. Pager COM Port- specify the port used for sending pager alerts.

    5. SNMP Trap Notification- provide the required Community Name and IP address in the fields provided.

    1. Click Next. This screen appears only if TMI has never been installed on the host server. Define the routes for incoming and outgoing messages or requests. These settings allow you to adapt Control Manager to your company's existing security systems. Select the appropriate route.

    2. Message routing settings are only set during installation. Proxy configurations made here are not related to the proxy settings used for Internet connectivity–though the same proxy settings are used by default.

    Source of incoming messages

    • Direct from registered agents- the agents can directly receive incoming messages.

    • Proxy server- use a proxy server when receiving messages. For additional details about using and configuring proxies, see Configure proxy server connection for component download and Trend VCS agents.

    • IP port forwarding- this feature configures Control Manager to work with the IP port forwarding function of your company's firewall. Provide the firewall server�s FQDN, IP address or NetBIOS name, and then type the port number that Control Manager opened for communication.

    Route for outgoing messages

  6. Complete the installation

    1. Click Next. The Select Program Folder screen appears.

    2. Specify the Start menu program folder that will contain the Control Manager shortcut. The default is �Trend Micro Control Manager�.

    3. Steps 3 to 7 appear only on Windows 2003 server installations.

    1. Click Next. The Report Function Confirmation dialog box appears.

    2. Click Yes to allow ASP Web service extensions to your host. If you click No, you cannot generate Crystal reports for Control Manager.

    3. Click Next. The Choose Time Synchronization dialog box appears

    4. Select one of the following:

    5. Click Yes if you do not have any Network VirusWall devices installed on your network, but still want the benefits of a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server.

    6. Click No if you have Network VirusWall devices installed on your network.

    The installation begins.

    1. Click Finish to complete the installation.

See also:

Minimum system requirements

Recommended system requirements

Preparing for Control Manager server installation

Verify a successful Control Manager server installation