Understanding User Accounts

There are four kinds of accounts in Control Manager: Operator, Power User, Administrator, and Root. Control Manager creates the Root account upon installation; you need to create accounts for different types of users.

The root and administrator accounts can see all the functions in the menu, use the activated services, and install agents.

Control Manager now supports Active Directory users. Active Directory users can gain all the same rights that Control Manager users can have.

Additional Root Account Privileges

The root account also has the following additional privileges:

The following table shows all the features that each account can access.

Menu item


Power User

Root / Administrator










TrendLabs Message Board



Outbreak Prevention Services



Damage Cleanup Services



Vulnerability Assessment







Add/Remove Product Agents

Directory Manager

All accounts can use the Directory Manager. However, the account can only access this feature if it has the Edit Directory right.


Communicator Scheduler



Communicator Heartbeat







Create Report Profile


Scheduled Reports






Command Tracking

Event Center



Update Manager


Logs - Query or Purge



User Manager > My Account

User Manager > User Accounts



User Manager > User Groups



System Settings









See also:

Understanding the User Manager

Setting access rights

Access the User Accounts screen

Add a user account

Importing Active Directory users

Edit a user account

Disable a user account

Delete a user account