Edit a User Account

You can change the information of any user account you have added including account information, account type, or folder access rights. However, access rights granted to an account cannot exceed those of the grantor. That is, you cannot assign a user access rights that are greater than your own. In addition, if you reduce an account's rights, you also reduce all of its sub-accounts.

To edit a user account:

  1. Access the User Accounts screen.

  2. In the working area, click Edit beside the account to modify.

  3. Modify the account information, and then click the Next>> button.

  4. Modify the accessible folders and access rights.

  5. Click Apply.

  6. When editing accounts:

    Root users can edit all the accounts that exist on the system. Administrator accounts, however, can only edit those that they created themselves.

    An account's rights always amount to a sub-set of whoever granted it, and get adjusted accordingly if the grantor's rights get reduced.

    Modification of an account's privileges terminates all sessions using that account. If this modification involves a downgrade of rights, child accounts with affected privileges also get logged out.

    You cannot change an existing account's User ID.

See also:

Add a user account

Importing Active Directory users

Disable a user account

Delete a user account

Access the User Groups screen

Add a user group

Edit a user group

Delete a user group