Add a User Account

Add user accounts to allow others to log on to the Control Manager management console, appear on the recipient list for notifications, or be added to user groups. When adding a user account you need to provide information to identify the user, assign an account type and folder access rights.

To add a user account:

  1. Access the User Accounts screen.

  2. In the working area, click Add New User. The Add New User screen appears.

  3. Select the type of user to add.

  4. Add a Trend Micro Control Manager authenticated user

    1. Select Trend Micro Control Manager authenticated user.

    2. Provide the following required information to create an account:

    3. User ID

    4. Full name

    5. Password - You must confirm the password in the field provided. You can change the password on the My Account screen

    The following additional information is optional. You can also change these settings on the My Account screen.

    • Email address

    • Mobile phone number

    • Pager number (precede the pager number with a "9" and a comma "," [each comma causes a 2 second pause])

    • MSN Messenger address


  5. Add an Active Directory authenticated user

    1. Select Active Directory authenticated user.

    2. Provide the following required information to create an account:

    3. User ID

    4. Domain: The domain which the user belongs

    • User ID's and domain names can be up to 32 characters in length.

  1. Click the Next>> button.

  2. Click one of the following options on the menu to select an account type: Operator, Power User or Administrator.

  3. Enterprise Edition only: For users to take advantage of the cascading management structure, they need to have �Power User� rights or greater.

  1. Select the check boxes of the rights to assign the privileges to the user. These rights determine what actions the user can perform on managed products.

  2. Privileges granted to an account cannot exceed those of the grantor. If you reduce an account's rights, you also reduce all of its sub-accounts.

  1. Go to the Accessible Folders tree and click the folder where the rights apply. Carefully organize the Product Directory, because you can assign users access to a single point.

  1. You can assign access to a folder, this allows users access to all its sub-folders and managed products

  2. You can restrict a user to a single managed product

  1. Click Apply.

See also:

Importing Active Directory users

Edit a user account

Disable a user account

Delete a user account

Access the User Groups screen

Add a user group

Edit a user group

Delete a user group