Manually Submitting Objects in Windows Parent topic


  1. If it is not already installed, install the Manual Submission Tool. For details, see Manual Submission Tool.
  2. Go to the Manual Submission Tool package folder, open the work folder, and then place all of the sample files or an URL list file into the indir folder.
  3. Run cmd.exe, and change the directory (cd) to the tool package folder.
  4. Depending on the type of object you want to upload, do one of the following:
    Execute dtascli.exe for help.
    • File: Execute dtascli.exe -u to upload all of the files in the work/indir folder to Virtual Analyzer.
      After executing dtascli.exe -u, cmd.exe shows the following, along with all of the files that were uploaded from the work/indir folder.
    • URL list: Execute dtascli.exe -u --url to upload the file url.txt in the work/indir folder to Virtual Analyzer.
      After executing dtascli.exe -u --url, cmd.exe shows the following, along with all of the files that were uploaded from the work/indir folder.
      The URL list must use the name URL.txt.
      Before submission, Deep Discovery Analyzer normalizes all occurrences of the following:
      • Punycode for URL domains
      • URL encoding for URL paths and query strings
  5. After uploading the files to Virtual Analyzer, confirm that they are being analyzed in the management console. Click Virtual AnalyzerSubmissions to locate the files.
    Shortly after submitting the files, before they have been analyzed, they appear in the Processing or Queued tab. When the samples have been analyzed, they appear in the Completed tab. If the samples encountered errors during analysis, they appear in the Unsuccessful tab.