Submitting Objects Parent topic


  1. Go to Virtual AnalyzerSubmissions.
  2. Click Submit Objects.
    The Submit objects window appears.
  3. To submit a single file, select File.
    1. Browse and select a sample to upload.
    2. (Optional) For Portable Executable samples, specify command line parameters if required.
    3. (Optional) Select Prioritize to put submitted objects at the top of the queue.
    4. Click Submit.
    For archives, Virtual Analyzer merges analysis results for files inside archives into one report.
  4. To submit a single URL, select URL.
    1. Specify a single URL.
    2. (Optional) Select Send to URL pre-filter to send submitted URLs to the URL pre-filter. URLs found safe by the URL pre-filter are not sent to Virtual Analyzer for scanning and analysis.
    3. (Optional) Select Prioritize to put submitted objects at the top of the queue.
    4. Click Submit.
      Before submission, Deep Discovery Analyzer normalizes all occurrences of the following:
      • Punycode for URL domains
      • URL encoding for URL paths and query strings
  5. To submit multiple URLs, select URL list.
    1. Browse and select a URL list file.
      A URL list is a CSV or TXT file containing a maximum of 1,000 URLs. For CSV files, specify URLs in the first column. The URL list file must specify each URL in own line, and use UTF-8 encoding.
      Before submission, Deep Discovery Analyzer normalizes all occurrences of the following:
      • Punycode for URL domains
      • URL encoding for URL paths and query strings
      Analysis of 1,000 URLs may take several hours.
    2. (Optional) Select Send to URL pre-filter to send submitted URLs to the URL pre-filter. URLs found safe by the URL pre-filter are not sent to Virtual Analyzer for scanning and analysis.
    3. (Optional) Select Prioritize to put submitted objects at the top of the queue.
    4. Click Submit.
  6. To upload applications which require certain files to be located in specific paths, select Bundle file.
    1. Browse and select an archive file.
      For archives, Virtual Analyzer merges analysis results for files inside archives into one report.
    2. Specify which file inside the archive to run.
    3. (Optional) For Portable Executable samples, specify command line parameters if required.
    4. (Optional) Select Prioritize to put submitted objects at the top of the queue.
    5. Specify where the files should be extracted.
      • To extract all files in the archive to a single folder, specify the complete path in the Extraction Path text box.
      • To extract specific files in the archive to another path, specify the File name and the complete Path for each file in the section below.
        • Click button_plus.png to specify a new file.
        • Click button_x.png to remove an entry.
    6. Specify the character encoding used in file names.
    7. Click Submit.
To manually submit multiple files at once, use the Manual Submission Tool. For details, see Manually Submitting Objects.