
Configure the allow list settings for Google Workspace to allow Phishing Simulation Assessment to send phishing emails to the employees in your organization.


  1. Copy the Phishing Simulation Assessment sending IP addresses.
    1. On the Trend Vision One console, go to AssessmentCyber Risk Assessment.
    2. Under Phishing Simulation Assessment, click Start Assessment and proceed to Step 3 Delivery.
    3. Under Allow List Settings, click Settings to view and copy the Phishing Simulation Assessment sending IP addresses.
    The sending IP addresses change over time. Check the list before launching your a training campaign or phishing simulation.
  2. Configure your Google Workspace allow list.
    The following instructions were valid as of November 1, 2023. For further help, refer to the Google Workspace documentation.
    1. Sign in to your Google Admin console using an administrator account.
    2. Go to AppsGoogle WorkspaceGmailSpam, Phishing and Malware.
    3. Select the top-level organization, which is usually your domain.
    4. Hover over the Email whitelist section and click Edit.
    5. Enter the sending IP addresses separated by commas.
    6. Click Save.
    7. To ensure that the connection will not time out while reaching out to your server, disable enhanced pre-delivery message scanning.
      1. Hover over the Enhanced pre-delivery message scanning section and click Edit.
      2. Disable Enables improved detection of suspicious content prior to delivery.
      3. Click Save.
      Trend Micro recommends re-enabling Enhanced pre-delivery message scanning after your campaign delivery rate reaches 100%.
    8. In the Spam section, click Configure.
    9. On the Add setting screen, enter a description for the setting.
    10. Select Bypass spam filters for messages received from addresses or domains within these approved senders lists.
    11. Click Create or edit list.
      The Manage address list screen opens in a new browser tab.
    12. Click Add address list.
    13. In the Name field, enter Trend Micro Vision One Sender.
    14. Click Add address.
    15. Enter the Trend Vision One sender domain name.
    16. Disable Authentication required.
    17. Click Save.
    18. On the Spam, Phishing and Malware tab, click Save.
    You have configured Google Workspace to allow employees in your organization to receive phishing simulation emails from Phishing Simulation Assessment.
  3. To prevent warning banners from appearing in the Gmail inboxes of your organization's employees who receive phishing simulation emails, add the Phishing Simulation Assessment sending IP addresses to your inbound gateway.
    1. In the Spam, Phishing and Malware screen, hover over the Inbound gateway section and click Edit.
    2. In the Gateway IPs field, click Add.
    3. Enter the Security Awareness sending IP addresses and then click Save.
    4. Enable Message is considered spam if the following header regexp matches.
    5. Specify text for the spam header tag that is unlikely to be found in your phishing simulation emails.
    6. Enable Disable Gmail spam evaluation on mail from this gateway; only use header value for email messages from this gateway using the header value option.
    7. Click Save.
    Trend Micro recommends only enabling the above settings for the duration of your campaign.