
Worry-Free Business Security includes the following new features and enhancements.

Table 1. What's New in WFBS 9.0 SP1



Detection improvements

  • Outbreak prevention protection against compressed executable files (packers)

  • Improved Damage Cleanup Engine performance


Web reputation logs include running processes information

Usability improvements

  • Security Server version displays on the log on screen

  • Updated UI text to better reflect how WFBS works

Table 2. Resolved Known Issues

Item No.

Hot Fix/Critical Patch Number





A user requests for a way to configure the Messaging Security Agent to run attachment-blocking scans on quarantined spam email messages (MSA 11.1.1254).

This hot fix adds an option to configure the Messaging Security Agent to run attachment-blocking scans on quarantined spam email messages.



After upgrading Worry-Free Business Security server from version 8.0 or 8.0 Service Pack 1 to 9.0, the live status of the Smart Scan Service on the server web console becomes "unavailable". This occurs because Worry-Free Business Security 9.0 server cannot update the Smart Scan pattern successfully.

This hot fix ensures that the Worry-Free Business Security 9.0 server can update the Smart Scan Pattern successfully.



The Worry-Free Business Security 9.0 server package contains an OpenSSL cryptographic software library that is affected by the Heartbleed vulnerability.

This critical patch updates the OpenSSL cryptographic software library in the Worry-Free Business Security 9.0 SP3 server package to resolve this issue.



If Microsoft™ Windows™ is in high-contrast mode and users access the Worry-Free Business Security 9.0 console in Microsoft Internet Explorer, users will not be able to move clients from one group to another.

This hot fix corrects a function attribute to enable Internet Explorer to properly retrieve information when Windows is in high-contrast mode. This helps ensure that users can successfully move clients between groups under this scenario.



Worry-Free Business Security Agents may not be able to run manual scans on network drives.

This hot fix ensures that Worry-Free Business Security Agents can run manual scans on network drives.



Worry-Free Business Security server database process may encounter memory leak during Spyware log query.

This hot fix ensures that the Worry-Free Business Security Server database process does not encounter memory leak when doing Spyware log query.



When users sort data by clicking the "Viruses Detected", "Spyware Detected", "Spam Detected", and "URLs Violated" columns in the client tree of the server user interface, Worry-Free Business Security cannot sort the data correctly.

This hot fix corrects the data sorting issue that affects the "Viruses Detected", "Spyware Detected", "Spam Detected", and "URLs Violated" columns.



Security Agent services fail to load during startup if administrators use the AutoPCC login script for deploying clients.

This hot fix ensures that the Security Agent services work properly during startup if administrators use the AutoPCC login script for deploying clients.



Users randomly get pop-up windows from the Security Agent for no apparent reason.

This hot fix ensures that users only receive pop-up windows from the Security Agent for necessary events based on their notification configuration.



On Microsoft™ 64-bit operating systems (OS), the 32-bit version of Internet Explorer 9 might crash when it coexists with the Security Agent.

This hot fix ensures that this browser works fine when it coexists with the Security Agent on Microsoft 64-bit operating systems.



The "Action Taken" field in virus logs that were exported from the Worry-Free Business Security Server does not contain any information.

This hot fix ensures that virus logs are imported properly from the Worry-Free Business Security Server.



There is an inconsistency in the "Date/Time" field between the POP3 mail log of Worry-Free Business Security Server and the log of Security Agent.

This hot fix ensures that information in POP3 mail log of Worry-Free Business Security Server will be consistent with the log of Security Agent.



Users may not be able to update the Smart Scan Pattern from an HTTP redirection source.

This hot fix ensures that the update procedure can correctly process the dollar sign character in HTTP redirection responses so users can successfully update the Smart Scan Pattern from an HTTP redirection source.



Security Agents receive balloon notifications when the agent is updating its program files. Customer's requesting a way to disable this type of balloon notification.

This hot fix provides an option to disable the balloon notification that appears when the agent is upgrading its program files.



After installing the Worry-Free Business Security Agent, process PccNTMon.exe may encounter a handle leak issue.

This hot fix resolves the handle leak issue on affected computers.



The EYES driver that comes with the Worry-Free Business Security package and works with a third-party driver may sometimes report false positives.

This hot fix updates the EYES driver to help prevent it from reporting false positives.



TmListen might stop unexpectedly after Worry-Free Business Security Agent installation.

This hot fix ensures that the TmListen run successfully after Worry-Free Business Security Agent installation.



The Security Agent installed on computers running Windows XP cannot detect malware located in the boot sector of a USB device when users log on Windows with a non-administrator account.

This hot fix updates Security Agent files to resolve this issue.



The Ntrtscan.exe service may stop unexpectedly while the Security Agent performs a manual scan on a location with a path length that exceeds 260 characters.

This hot fix enables Security Agent to use a flexible variable instead of a fixed variable to store file paths during scans to prevent Ntrtscan.exe from stopping unexpectedly.



Sometimes, the Security Agent Listener service, TmListen.exe, stops unexpectedly while the Security Agent starts up.

This hot fix enhances Security Agent's error-handling mechanism to prevent TmListen.exe from stopping unexpectedly while Security Agent start up.



Sometimes, the status of an Security Agent computer appears as "Trend Micro Security Agent is turned off" on the Microsoft™ Windows™ Action Center even the Security Agent is enabled on the computer.

This hot fix updates the Security Agent files to ensure that the correct Security Agent status appears on the Windows Action Center.



It may take a long time to log on to the Security Agent console in the Novell™ ZENworks™ Application platform because of an issue in the Virus Scan Engine settings.

This hot fix resolves this issue by allowing users to modify the Virus Scan Engine settings in the Worry-Free Business Security server and to globally deploy the new Virus Scan Engine settings to Worry-Free Business Security clients.



The Security Server cgiCheckIP.exe function allows users to scan any port inside any network.

This hot fix enhances the port-checking mechanism of the cgiCheckIP.exe function to enable it to properly validate the port number sent from a client before scanning the port.



Microsoft™ Office™ hangs when opening Office files in shared folders. This issue can be solved with deploy the CheckRtPCWOplock parameter.

This hot fix enables users to set the following CheckRtPCWOplock parameter in the Global Setting and deploy to the client to fix the hang issue.



Sometimes, the status of a Security Agent computer in a VPN network environment appears as "Trend Micro Security Agent is turned off" on the Microsoft™ Windows™ Action Center.

This hot fix updates the Security Agent files to ensure that the correct client status appears on the Windows Action Center.



Security Agent always overwrites this client registry key and sets it as the default value for the firewall module: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\tmtdi\Parameters\ RedirectIpv6

This hot fix modifies the Redirect IPv6 function by manually (but not forcibly) overwriting the RedirectIpv6 key, setting it as default value.



During Security Agent updates, Security Agent retrieves the Other Update Sources (OUS) settings from the ClientAllSetting.ini file and updates the OUS.ini file using the retrieved information. However, when the Security Server Master Service stops, the "ClientAllSetting.ini" file is cleared. As a result, Security Agent will not be able to retrieve any OUS settings to update the OUS.ini file which can cause Security Agent updates to fail.

This hot fix adds a checking mechanism that prevents Security Agentt from making changes to the OUS.ini file if it cannot retrieve any OUS settings from the ClientAllSetting.ini file. This ensures that Security Agents can still complete updates when the ClientAllSetting.ini file is empty.



Sometimes, the Virus Cleanup Template version on the Security Agent console becomes "0" after the client updates the template and loads the new version.

This hot fix enhances the version-checking mechanism to ensure that the correct Virus Cleanup Template version appears on the Security Agent console.



Users may not be able to access internal web sites when the Security Agent uses IPv6 to redirect URLs to Web Reputation Service (WRS).

This hot fix resolves the issue by providing an option to configure Security Agents to redirect URLs to WRS using IPv4 instead of IPv6 and to deploy the setting globally.



Microsoft™ Outlook™ stops responding when launched on computers running the Security Agent Behavior Monitoring service.

Hotfix provide deploy the Behavior Monitoring settings that can prevent Outlook from stopping unexpectedly in this situation.



The Security Agent does not generate a spyware log when it detects spyware in a self-extracting compressed file and all its actions on the file fail.

This hot fix ensures that Security Agent generates spyware logs when it detects spyware in a compressed file and all its actions on the file fail.



The Security Agent's OUS.ini file becomes truncated after an update. This happens when the OUS.ini file is larger than the allotted memory buffer for the copy function which forces the function to truncate the file to fit the buffer.

This hot fix increases the memory buffer for the OUS.ini copy function to prevent the function from truncating the OUS.ini file of Security Agents during updates.



Sometimes, the Virus Cleanup Template version on the OfficeScan client console becomes "0" after the client updates the template and loads the new version.

This hot fix enhances the version-checking mechanism to ensure that the correct Virus Cleanup Template version appears on the OfficeScan client console.



The rollback process for Smart Scan Agent and virus pattern files may not work correctly.

This hot fix ensures that the rollback process for Smart Scan Agent and virus pattern files work correctly.



A third-party software may stop responding on a Security Agent computer when both the client's Unauthorized Change Prevention Service and Firewall Services are enabled.

This hot fix enables users to deploy a firewall setting to prevent third-party software from stopping unexpectedly on Security Agent computers when both the client's Unauthorized Change Prevention Service and Firewall Services are enabled.



When a Security Agent performs a manual scan and the scan path is longer that 63 characters, the corresponding scan log does not appear in the "Virus Logs" viewer.

This hot fix ensures that the scan logs are recorded successfully when the scan path is longer than 63 characters.



Security Agents installed on 64-bit platforms may not be able to update from the update agent.

This hot fix ensures that Security Agents will update successfully from update agents.



Some components may not be updated when its modules are used by some features during Security Agent update.

This fix ensures that all components are updated during Security Agent update.