
Worry-Free Business Security includes the following new features and enhancements.

Table 1. What's New in WFBS 9.0 SP3



Windows 10 November Update Support

Worry-Free Business Security now supports Security Agent installation on Windows 10 machines installed with the November update.

Program Inspection

Worry-Free Business Security provides increased ransomware protection by monitoring and hooking processes on endpoints to detect compromised executable files and improve the overall detection ratio.

Document Protection Enhancements

Worry-Free Business Security improves document protection against unauthorized encryption or modification to prevent possible ransomware attacks.

Increased Behavior Monitoring Protection

Worry-Free Business Security now enables the following behavior monitoring features by default:

  • User notifications before executing newly encountered programs

  • Document protection against unauthorized encryption or modification

  • Automatic backups of files modified by suspicious programs

  • Monitoring and hooking of processes

  • Blocking of processes associated with ransomware

SHA-2 Support

Worry-Free Business Security now supports certificates signed with SHA-2.

Table 2. Resolved Known Issues

Item No.

Hot Fix/Critical Patch Number





The Trend Micro Messaging Security Agent disappears from the client tree on the Worry-Free Business Security Server management console when users reinstall the Messaging Security Agent after upgrading to Worry-Free Business Security 9.0 Service Pack 2.

This hotfix ensures that the Messaging Security Agent can successfully register to the Worry-Free Business Security 9.0 Service Pack 2 Security Server.



Users may encounter ransomware because of recent widespread attacks.

This hotfix enables the monitoring of newly encountered programs downloaded through HTTP or email applications on Security Agents to increase protection against possible ransomware attacks.



Users may not be able to access any website after enabling the Web Reputation feature of the Worry-Free Business Security 9.0 Service Pack 2 agent.

This hotfix ensures that the Web Reputation feature works normally.



After users upgrade to Worry-Free Business Security 9.0 Service Pack 2, the quick link "Edit settings" cannot be displayed normally on the Worry-Free Business Security Server management console.

This hotfix ensures that the Worry-Free Business Security Server management console displays the "Edit settings" quick link correctly.



Users cannot redeploy the Worry-Free Security Agents using Group Policy Object (GPO) after uninstalling the Security Agents from the control panel. This happens because the Security Agents installation program detects the Worry-Free Security Agent product key that was generated by GPO and takes it to mean that the product is already installed which then triggers it to terminate the installation.

This hotfix ensures that users can successfully redeploy the Security Agents from GPO.



Users might experience a "localStorage unsuccessfully" browser error message when they access the "Security Agent for Security Setting" page.

This hotfix ensures that when users browse the client tree and the custom user interface layout setting fails, the browser displays the default user interface layout to the user.



The AEGIS module may trigger some processes to close unexpectedly.

This hotfix updates the Behavior Monitoring Service module 2.974.1104 to ensure that the AEGIS module no longer triggers processes to close unexpectedly.



The Internet Explorer add-on of Worry-Free Business Security stops unexpectedly when users browse certain websites after enabling its "Browser Exploit Prevention" feature.

This hotfix ensures that the Internet Explorer add-on works normally when the "Browser Exploit Prevention" feature is enabled.


MSA 11.1.1306

ActiveSync does not work when the HTTP Authorization header field does not contain any user information.

This hotfix enables Worry-Free Business Security to automatically gather user information if the HTTP Authorization header field does not contain any user information. This helps ensure that ActiveSync works normally.

This hotfix also addresses some Messaging Security Agent user interface issues. After this hotfix is applied, Worry-Free Business Security opens the MSA web console on a new Internet Explorer tab.