  1. If the file is on the Security Server computer, open a command prompt and navigate to <Server installation folder>\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\VSEncrypt.

    If the file is on a Messaging Security Agent client or a custom quarantine directory, navigate to <Server installation folder>\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility and copy the VSEncrypt folder to the client or the custom quarantine directory.

  2. Create a text file and then type the full path of the files you want to encrypt or decrypt.

    For example, to restore files in C:\My Documents\Reports, type C:\My Documents\Reports\*.* in the text file.

    Quarantined files on the Security Server computer are found under <Server installation folder>\PCCSRV\Virus.

  3. Save the text file with an INI or TXT extension. For example, save it as ForEncryption.ini on the C: drive.
  4. Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory where the VSEncrypt folder is located.
  5. Run VSEncode.exe by typing the following:

    VSEncode.exe /d /i <location of the INI or TXT file>


    <location of the INI or TXT file> is the path of the INI or TXT file you created (for example, C:\ForEncryption.ini).

  6. Use the other parameters to issue various commands.
    Table 1. Restore Parameters



    None (no parameter)

    Encrypt files


    Decrypt files


    Create a debug log and save it to the computer. On the client, the debug log VSEncrypt.log is created in the <Agent installation folder>.


    Overwrite an encrypted or decrypted file if it already exists

    /f <filename>

    Encrypt or decrypt a single file


    Do not restore the original file name


    Display information about the tool


    Launch the tool’s user interface

    /r <Destination folder>

    The folder where a file will be restored

    /s <Original file name>

    The file name of the original encrypted file

    For example, type VSEncode [/d] [/debug] to decrypt files in the Suspect folder and create a debug log. When you decrypt or encrypt a file, WFBS creates the decrypted or encrypted file in the same folder. Before decrypting or encrypting a file, ensure that it is not locked.