
The Messaging Security Agent detects spam messages in real time and takes actions to protect the Microsoft Exchange Servers.

  1. Navigate to Security Settings.
  2. Select a Messaging Security Agent.
  3. Click Configure Settings.

    A new screen appears.

  4. Click Anti-spam > Content Scanning.

    A new screen appears.

  5. Select Enable real-time Anti-Spam.
  6. Select the Target tab to select the method and spam detection rate that the Messaging Security Agent uses to screen for spam:
    1. Select the detection level, low, medium, or high, from the spam detection rate list. The Messaging Security Agent uses this rate to screen all messages.
      • High: This is the most rigorous level of spam detection. The Messaging Security Agent monitors all email messages for suspicious files or text, but there is greater chance of false positives. False positives are those email messages that the Messaging Security Agent filters as spam when they are actually legitimate email messages.

      • Medium: This is the default and recommended setting. The Messaging Security Agent monitors at a high level of spam detection with a moderate chance of filtering false positives.

      • Low: This is most lenient level of spam detection. The Messaging Security Agent will only filter the most obvious and common spam messages, but there is a very low chance that it will filter false positives. Filtering by spam score.

    2. Click Detect Phishing to have the Messaging Security Agent screen out Phishing Incidents. For details, see Phishing Incidents.
    3. Add addresses to your list of Approved Senders and Blocked Senders. For details, see Approved and Blocked Senders Lists.
      • Approved Senders: Email messages from these addresses or domain names will never be blocked. Type the addresses or domain names to approve and click Add. If required, you can import a list of addresses or domain names from a text file. To remove addresses or domain names, select the address and click Remove.

      • Blocked Senders: Email messages from these addresses or domain names will always be blocked. Type the addresses or domain names to block and click Add. If required, you can import a list of addresses or domain names from a text file. To remove addresses or domain names, select the address and click Remove.


      The Microsoft Exchange administrator maintains a separate Approved and Blocked Senders list for the Microsoft Exchange server. If an end-user creates an approved sender, but that sender is on the administrator's Blocked Senders list, then the Messaging Security Agent detects messages from that blocked sender as spam and takes action against those messages.

  7. Click the Action tab to set the actions that the Messaging Security Agent takes when it detects a spam message or phishing incident.

    For details about actions, see Scan Targets and Actions for Messaging Security Agents.

    The Messaging Security Agent takes one of the following actions depending on your configuration:

    • Quarantine message to server-side spam folder

    • Quarantine message to user's spam folder


      If you choose this action, configure the End User Quarantine. For details, see Configuring Spam Maintenance.

    • Delete entire message

    • Tag and deliver

  8. Click Save.