This section describes how to add user accounts for accessing StellarOne web console.
Log on to the web console using an account with the
Admin role.
The logon credentials entered here are case-sensitive.
Only the account with the Admin role can manage user accounts.
- Go to Administration > Account Management.
- Click Add User button, and then the Add User Account window appears.
Specify the Authentication Source
(Local or SAML Identity
To add a Local user, specify the ID and Name.
To add an SAML Identity Provider user, specify Email for SAML Account Mapping and Name.Note:
To allow an SAML Identity Provider user to log in using Single Sign-On (SSO), click the Single Sign On Configuration link. Please refer to Single Sign-On for procedures.
Note:The ID, Name, and Email for SAML Account Mapping entered here are case-sensitive.
Role: Select among the account roles
Admin, Operator or
Viewer (Default). Please refer to Account Types for more details on the
account privileges.
For a Local user, specify the Local Password and re-type it for confirmation.
- Group Control: Select the groups the target account is allowed to access or view.
- Click Confirm to complete the user account creation.