Table 1. About Audit Logs Screen



(1) Export

Users can export log list as an .csv file by clicking the Export button. It provides a drop-down menu consisting of:

  • Export Selected: This button is activated when users select the checkbox(es) next to the logs to be exported.

  • Export All: This button is always activated for users to export all logs.

(2) Filter

This tool allows users to search for the relevant log messages for troubleshooting or analysis. Please refer to Audit Log Filtering for procedures.

(3) Log display setting

Users can customize how many logs to be displayed either by:
  • the number of the latest logs records

  • the logs generated within a particular period

(4) Screen display setting

By clicking this button, users can customize the screen display by:
  • selecting how many logs to be displayed per page

  • hiding certain contents by unchecking Time, Severity, User ID, Client IP, or Message in the Cusomize Table Display window.

(5) Refresh

The button allows users to manually refresh the screen for the latest log outputs.