  1. Go to Agents > Policy > Industrial-Grade Next-Generation Antivirus.
  2. Click the Advanced Settings in the Real-Time Malware Scan section:
  3. The Advanced Settings configuration window appears.
  4. The configuration window consists of three sections: Files to Scan, Scan Action, and Scan Exclusions.
  5. In the Files to Scan section:
    • check Scan compressed files and select the Maximum layers between 1 and 20 for the compressed files.

    • To skip scanning files over a certain size, check Skip files larger than and specify the file size between 1 and 9999 MB. Files exceeding the specified file size will not be scanned.

  6. In the Scan Action section, users pre-define the action once threats are detected during the scanning process. Select Quarantine to place the suspicious files detected in an isolated folder for futher checking. Select No action to produce only a readout of results with no actions taken on the suspicious files.
  7. The Scan Exclusions section provides users an option to exclude certain folders, files, or file extensions from being scanned.
    • Folders: specify a path to the folders that do not require scanning.

    • Files: specify a path to the files that do not require scanning.

    • File Extensions: specify the file extension of certain files that do not require scanning.

      • StellarProtect supports only local paths for Scan Exclusions. Remote paths such as an URL or \\[Hostname] are not supported.
      • It is not required to add ".” or “*.” in front of the file extension.


      Click the "+" or "-" icon to add or delete the folder/file paths or file extensions.

  8. Click Confirm to complete the advanced settings for Real-Time Malware Scan.