
The Patch function allows the administrator to deploy a patch file upgrade on all agents under the same group policy. The patching process can be conducted remotely and automatically using policy synchronization. Only one patch file (Agent version) is allowed to be upgraded every time under each group policy.


A patch is generally used to fix or enhance the current version. If you accidentally patch an older version, the patch deployment should not work and the agent status will keep un-synced with the StellarOne console. Meanwhile, other policy settings can't be deployed, either. After 20 minutes the agents will resynchronize with StellarOne; until then can the policy settings be applied to the agent.

  1. Go to Agents > All.
  2. Navigate to the target agent or group, and then go to its Policy page.

    For more detailed procedures of how to go to the Policy page, refer to Go to the Policy Screen.

  3. Scroll down and find the Patch at the bottom right corner of the screen.
  4. Click the checkbox next to the version of the patch file for deployment.

    Users can import new patches for the agent on the Importing/Deleting Agent's Patch page.

  5. The selected patch file will be deployed on the agents under the same group policy.
    Since StellarProtect/StellarProtect (Legacy Mode) is able to use global policies for all agents as well as group policy for group-owned machines to conduct the patching process on multiple devices, before you select agent version please note the following:
    • Global policy is the default agent landing policy, so every agent will apply this policy first before moving to other groups. We suggest that the global policy should use lower agent version as its base policy.

    • If you don't want to set any agent version for patch deployment, please unclick all checkboxes next to the agent version patch files in the Patch section.


    StellarProtect Agent 1.0 does not support remote patch because it does not have any available remote patch files.