Users can remotely apply new agent settings from the StellarOne web console. This feature allows you to:
  • Remotely overwrite agent configuration

  • Remotely overwrite Approved List

Remember to prepare a customized agent configuration file or Approved List first:
  • Export and download an agent configuration file or Approved List.

  • Customize the downloaded file

To ensure a successful import, verify that the file to import meets the following requirements:
  • For Approved List, file is in the CSV format and uses UTF-8 encoding

  • The maximum file size supported is 20 MB

  • For Agent Configuration file, file is in the XML format and the maximum file size supported is 1 MB

  1. Go to Agents > All.
  2. Click the All group on the Agents screen. The Agents screen displays a list of agents managed by StellarOne.
  3. Select the target agents by clicking the checkboxes next to them.
  4. Click the Import/Export button from the Tool Bar at the top of the Agents screen.
  5. Click the Import Agent Configuration option.
  6. Click Confirm.
  7. A pop-up Import Agent Configurations window appears. Click Select File.
  8. Select the file to import and click OK.
  9. A pop-up Command Deployment window appears. The Status shows if the agent configurations are imported to the target endpoints successfully.
  10. Click Close to close the window.