Manage tabs by adding, renaming, changing the layout, deleting, and automatically switching between tab views.


  1. Go to the Dashboard.
  2. To add a tab:
    1. Click the add icon (dashboard-tab-add.jpg).
    2. Type a name for the new tab.
  3. To rename a tab:
    1. Hover over the tab name and click the down arrow.
    2. Click Rename and type the new tab name.
  4. To change the layout of the widgets for a tab:
    1. Hover over the tab name and click the down arrow.
    2. Click Change Layout.
    3. Select the new layout from the screen that appears.
    4. Click Save.
  5. To delete a tab:
    1. Hover over the tab name and click the down arrow.
    2. Click Delete and confirm.
  6. To play a tab slide show:
    1. Click the Settings button to the right of the tab display.
    2. Enable the Tab Slide Show control.
    3. Select the length of time each tab displays before switching to the next tab.