
Asset relationship visualizations emphasize risk management

February 26, 2024 — In line with enhancements to the visualization of asset relationships in Attack Surface Discovery, the asset graph feature in profile screens for devices, accounts, domains, and IP addresses has been renamed to Asset Risk Graph, while the graph view for cloud assets is now the Cloud Risk Graph. Both of these features continue to provide valuable risk findings, helping you assess your organization's security posture.
Attack Surface Risk ManagementAttack Surface Discovery

Zero Trust Secure Access enables additional authentication to Private Access

February 26, 2024 — Users may now require additional authentication to Private Access after authenticating on endpoints with the Secure Access Module. Enabling the new feature overrides the default behavior of authenticating users to Internet Access and Private access at the same time, allowing for the use of Private Access only on demand. For more Information, see Secure Access Module.
Zero Trust Secure AccessSecure Access ConfigurationSecure Access Module

Cloud Email and Collaboration Protection supports turning off computer vision

February 23, 2024 — In the Web Reputation filter, Cloud Email and Collaboration Protection allows you to control whether to use the computer vision techniques for phishing detection. Computer vision clicks suspicious URLs in emails to access web pages and apply AI-based image analysis to detect threats. Previously, computer vision was enabled as long as you turned on Web Reputation.
Email and Collaboration SecurityCloud Email and Collaboration Protection

Virtual Network Sensor supports deployment to Microsoft Azure cloud environments

February 19, 2024 — Virtual Network Sensor supports deploying to Microsoft Azure cloud environments.
Network SecurityNetwork Inventory

Network Inventory now supports Asset Visibility Management

February 19, 2024 — Network Inventory now supports managing user role visibilty of connected Deep Discovery Inspector and Virtual Network Sensor devices with the Asset Visibility Management app. You can now manage the visibility of users within your organization to view your connected network security devices based on individual devices or groups created in Network Inventory.
Service ManagementAsset Visibility Management

Network Inventory now supports creating groups for Deep Discovery Inspector and Virtual Network Sensor

February 19, 2024 — Network Inventory now supports the ability to create groups for your connected Deep Discovery Inspector appliances and Virtual Network Sensors, as well as filter devices displayed using a tree view quick filter.
Network SecurityNetwork Inventory

Manage risk events by risk factor in Operations Dashboard

February 19, 2024 — You can now change the status of risk events when viewing them by risk factor in Operations Dashboard. This applies to all risk factor types except XDR Detections and Vulnerabilities. Development is ongoing to support these two risk factor types.
Attack Surface Risk ManagementOperations Dashboard

Enhanced multi-layered asset management and new Asset Visibility Management app available

February 19, 2024 — Besides the management scope for endpoints and containers that were introduced in 2023, Trend Vision One enhances the asset management capability to support more data assets, including mobile devices, accounts, cloud assets, network assets, and secure access assets. Large-sized customers that run multiple businesses or have the need to segregate asset data visibility for different teams can leverage this enhanced capability to achieve multi-tenancy management purposes within a single Trend Vision One console.
For customers to better organize assets of multiple layers in a centralized location, Trend Vision One launches a new app Asset Visibility Management for administrators to group data and Trend Vision One app assets into asset visibility scopes based on the corporate structure. The asset visibility scopes can then be assigned to user roles to determine which assets are visible or manageable to these roles in all applicable Trend Vision One apps that display the data of the selected assets.
Only customers that have updated to the Foundation Services release have access to the app. If customers have configured scopes for endpoints and containers in User Roles, to achieve seamless migration, asset visibility scopes that include newly supported assets are automatically created and associated to the corresponding roles. Trend Vision One continues enhancing the asset visibility management capability with more asset coverage or granularity.
Service ManagementAsset Visibility Management

Gain better visibility into the security configuration of cloud apps

February 19, 2024 — The cloud app profile screen in Attack Surface Discovery now displays the following additional information:
  • The encryption ciphers used by the cloud app
  • The latest version of the communications protocol used by the app
  • Whether the cloud app uses a trusted certificate
  • Whether the cloud app allows for IP address access control
Attack Surface Risk ManagementAttack Surface Discovery

Cloud Posture removes support for outdated standards

February 14, 2024 — Cloud Posture no longer supports the following compliance standards:
  • CIS Amazon Web Services Foundations Benchmark v1.2.0
  • CIS Amazon Web Services Foundations Benchmark v1.3.0
  • CIS Amazon Web Services Foundations Benchmark v1.4.0
  • CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations Benchmark v1.1.0
  • CIS Google Cloud Platform Foundation Benchmark v1.2.0
These five standards are no longer accessible in filters, which prevents the creation of new reports and report configurations. You can no longer generate new PDF or CSV reports using existing report configurations that include any of the five standards. However, any PDF or CSV reports generated before support was ended remain available.
Please update your report configurations to use the latest versions of CIS Benchmarks.
Attack Surface Risk ManagementCloud PostureCloud Posture Overview

Agentless Vulnerability & Threat Detection supports cost tracking

February 7, 2024 — You can now track the costs of Agentless Vulnerability & Threat Detection by enabling AWS Cost Explorer. Update the Agentless Vulnerability & Threat Detection stack to enable this capability. For more information, see Agentless Vulnerability & Threat Detection deployment costs.
Attack Surface Risk ManagementExecutive Dashboard

Improved agent for machine clone scenario (VDI environment)

February 5, 2024 — Previously, Endpoint Inventory might inaccurately list cloned machines if the Online Help Center guidelines weren't followed when deploying agents in a VDI environment. Consequently, users must redeploy agents. For a large number of endpoints, redeployment can be cumbersome.
To address this issue, we enhanced our agents to ensure that Trend Vision One - Endpoint & Workload Security can automatically detect endpoints in environments like VDI and cloned virtual machines. The backend system handles situations like GUID duplication by ensuring each endpoint in the inventory is distinct. However, for customers who prioritize precision and faster detection of clone or VDI machines, we strongly recommend using the Image Setup tool.
Enabling VDI requires users to manually activate the VDI system setting. By default, this setting is disabled. For detailed instructions on enabling VDI and resolving associated issues, see Agent Initiated Activation.
Endpoint SecurityEndpoint Inventory