
Collect debug logs to troubleshoot endpoints with your support provider.

When troubleshooting the Agent or Secure Access Module on an endpoint, your support provider may ask you to collect debug logs from the affected endpoint. Use the following steps to collect debug logs from the affected endpoint to help with troubleshooting.
Endpoints without a deployed Secure Access Module only provide a limited amount of debug information.


  1. For endpoints with the Secure Access Module deployed, perform the following steps on the affected endpoint first.
    1. Open the Secure Access Module and locate Debug Settings.
    2. Enable Debug logging to begin debug logging.
      The setting automatically disables after 24 hours.
    3. If possible, reproduce the issue on the endpoint.
  2. In the console, go to Zero Trust Secure AccessSecure Access ConfigurationSecure Access Module.
  3. On the Available Endpoints tab, click the name of the affected endpoint to open the information panel.
  4. Click Collect Debug Log.
  5. For endpoints with the Secure Access Module deployed, click Collect Debug Log in the prompt that appears.
  6. After the collection finishes, a file path appears under the Collect Debug Log button. Provide the file path to your support provider to assist with the troubleshooting process.